Jesse - cheers for pointing out the previous AWS packaging attempt, I will take 
a look.

Re version pinning, if this can’t be done in the POM, are there any Jenkins 
tools which can do this, apart from the cloudbees assured update feed? (I’m 
thinking of how we could support users on Jenkins community edition.)

Re what gets included - we could insist that any plugins included in a cloud 
vendor metapackage meet certain criteria, so that they can play together better:
- They must be able to no-op if the user doesn’t need them (ie their default is 
to quietly sit on the Jenkins server and not do anything, until the user 
configures them).
- They must all use the same cloud provider SDK artifact (probably the Jenkins 
re-packaged HPI version of the SDK).
- If appropriate, they must all take their baseline configuration from the same 
cloud provider ‘global config’ plugin.

Re pre-defined packages - I would certainly like to see the cloud vendors get 
more involved with supporting their respective Jenkins plugins.


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