As far as I know there is no serious work in progress in this area,
and no particular plan for work on it from the “core team” (maybe a
misleading phrase).

Indeed `DependencyGraph` as currently defined is very rigid and could
not work well even for moderately subtle Pipeline scenarios, so it
does not seem worth trying to adapt.

You can define more sophisticated variants of `ReverseBuildTrigger` in
plugins, though I would tend to discourage doing this sort of thing at
the Jenkins level to begin with. Instead it is likely more scalable to
have “downstream” builds be triggered by some external event, such an
artifact appearing in Nexus or an image in a Docker registry.

Alternatively, you can keep trigger management outside of component
Pipelines altogether, defining some sort of orchestration project that
uses the `build` step internally but in a computed graph. Or this
orchestration can be done by external tools designed for that purpose,
for example using the Jenkins REST API to trigger builds.

If some larger and more intrusive concept of dependency graphs needs
to make its way into fundamental APIs so that a variety of plugins can
interoperate based on a common understanding of project relationships
(for example so the graph can be displayed in build visualizations),
then someone would need to file a JEP for it and commit to writing a
reference implementation and driving integrations. The added
complexity would need to be justified by new abilities that a lot of
people could enjoy without too much migration effort.

Some inertia stems from the fact there is no obvious, straightforward,
single best practice for doing CI when you have hundreds of
interrelated components. Some organizations use a monorepo and use
various tools to cache partial build results. Others prefer microrepos
with subtle triggering relationships and special workflows. The build
system often frames the problem. If you have a particular model in
mind then you are in a position to sketch a tool which would help you
and others in the same situation.

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