It's worth noting that I think a lot of good code and abstraction and
capturing of the problem already exists here:

I'm not sure if Stefan Wolf still watches this list or actively contributes
to Jenkins, but his insight would probably be invaluable. I will study his
work and try to reach out to him.

Gerald R. Wiltse

On Tue, May 19, 2020 at 10:30 AM Gerald Wiltse <>

> I find this feedback very encouraging. It definitely does seem to be a
> good candidate for JEP proposal.  I will plan for that in the
> mid-term future.
> Your suggestions about alternatives are all right on. In one large
> environment, I created a solution with a metajob that received webhooks
> from all jobs, used the Jenkins REST API's to query "all job
> configurations" and then correlate the hooks to metadata, and use build()
> to trigger the appropriate jobs.  This effectively represented an
> alternative downstream mapping mechanism.  It worked for it's purpose and
> is still in production today.  In the end, we looked back and squinted at
> it, and could see that with a few very deep, yet reasonable (likely
> non-breaking) changes to the upstream/downstream system , Jenkins could do
> the same logic natively. That largely led to this thread.  Right now, I'm
> engineering a solution for a different use case which is similar-in-scope,
> related to the topic, yet different enough to learn some new things.  At
> the end of this, I think I will have an even better mix of perspectives to
> guide me through a JEP.  I apologize in advance for bothering everyone in
> the future with my struggles on creating the reference implementation.
> To everyone reading, I would still like to collect support for this effort
> in terms of votes and comments and other peoples struggles in the Issue I
> linked.
> Regards,
> Jerry
> Gerald R. Wiltse
> On Mon, May 18, 2020 at 5:55 PM Jesse Glick <> wrote:
>> As far as I know there is no serious work in progress in this area,
>> and no particular plan for work on it from the “core team” (maybe a
>> misleading phrase).
>> Indeed `DependencyGraph` as currently defined is very rigid and could
>> not work well even for moderately subtle Pipeline scenarios, so it
>> does not seem worth trying to adapt.
>> You can define more sophisticated variants of `ReverseBuildTrigger` in
>> plugins, though I would tend to discourage doing this sort of thing at
>> the Jenkins level to begin with. Instead it is likely more scalable to
>> have “downstream” builds be triggered by some external event, such an
>> artifact appearing in Nexus or an image in a Docker registry.
>> Alternatively, you can keep trigger management outside of component
>> Pipelines altogether, defining some sort of orchestration project that
>> uses the `build` step internally but in a computed graph. Or this
>> orchestration can be done by external tools designed for that purpose,
>> for example using the Jenkins REST API to trigger builds.
>> If some larger and more intrusive concept of dependency graphs needs
>> to make its way into fundamental APIs so that a variety of plugins can
>> interoperate based on a common understanding of project relationships
>> (for example so the graph can be displayed in build visualizations),
>> then someone would need to file a JEP for it and commit to writing a
>> reference implementation and driving integrations. The added
>> complexity would need to be justified by new abilities that a lot of
>> people could enjoy without too much migration effort.
>> Some inertia stems from the fact there is no obvious, straightforward,
>> single best practice for doing CI when you have hundreds of
>> interrelated components. Some organizations use a monorepo and use
>> various tools to cache partial build results. Others prefer microrepos
>> with subtle triggering relationships and special workflows. The build
>> system often frames the problem. If you have a particular model in
>> mind then you are in a position to sketch a tool which would help you
>> and others in the same situation.
>> --
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