On Tuesday, June 14, 2022 at 6:08:41 AM UTC-6 Ger McMahon wrote:

> My name is Ger McMahon and work for Fidelity Investments. As part of being 
> an end user member of Continuous Delivery Foundation (CDF), we want to get 
> more involved in open source projects and especially ones related to the 
> CDF. We have a particular interest in the Jenkinsci Cloudevents plugin 
> <https://github.com/jenkinsci/cloudevents-plugin> and understand the 
> project has been dormant since it was created as part of the Google Summer 
> of Code. Fidelity would have an interest on taking on this project, either 
> through mutating the current implementation or forking to align with the 
> new CDEvents project <https://cdevents.dev/> from CDF.
> I wanted to connect with the jenkinsci-dev group to determine the next 
> steps and appreciate any information or feedback.
Welcome to the developer community!  Great to have your interest in 
CloudEvents and happy to have your help.  The "Adopt a plugin" 
process says:

Be sure to provide the following information:

   Link to a plugin you want to adopt 
   - https://github.com/jenkinsci/cloudevents-plugin
   The status of the plugin ("for adoption" or "abandoned") - abandoned
   Link(s) to pull requests you want to deliver, if applicable - I don't 
   see any yet, though refer to the "Contributing to Open Source" 
   document and the "Modernizing a plugin" video series 
   <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fev8KfFsPZE> for suggested starter pull 
   Your GitHub username/id (e.g. oleg-nenashev for 
   https://github.com/oleg-nenashev/) - You'll need to provide this one
   Your Jenkins infrastructure account id. Create your account 
   <https://accounts.jenkins.io/> if you don’t have one. - You'll need to 
   provide this one
   The link to the "Repository Permission Updater" PR described below - 
   You'll need to provide this one based on the instructions
Be sure that you follow the instructions for the contents of the pull 
request and its comments.

Thanks again,
Mark Waite

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