Hi Diego,

maybe you want to have a look at Protigi:


It is an ontology and knowledge base editor where you have a great user interface to specify your ontology classes and instances.
It also offers two plugins that might be interesting for you:

(1) JessTab allows to run Jess from within Protigi.
(2) JadeJessProtigi is an Integration of JADE with JESS and Protigi using the JessTab (although I don't have any personal experience with this one).

You can run Jess directly out of a Jess console in Protigi. You can keep your rules either in a separate file or store them also in your Protigi project.
Thus, you keep and edit your classes and instances in Protigi and one simple command (mapclass myClass) generates the deftemplate for your class and asserts your instances as facts in Jess.



On Apr 28, 2004, at 5:14 PM, Diego Alonso wrote:

Hello every body, since this is my first mail in this listsorry if my
questioin is not properly formulated.

I have done, and kept in a clp file, a simple set of rules that use
deftemplates and I have added some deffacts by hand to test such rules.

But now , having a complete ontology that I use between a Jade platform
agents, I'd like to use such ontology and every class of it instead of the
"deftemplates", i dont really understand how to use "defclass" and
"definstance". Could someone explain to me how to do it ?

For a better comprehension:
If the ontology doesn4t change, therefore every element needed is an
instance of any ontology class -which is going to be taken from that
ontology-. I'm interested on "hardcoding" in the agents the definition of
the ontology classes and the use of their instances for the jess engine...
and let free the rule developement by loading a "rules.clp" file.

any simple step list to follow when coding this?
for my first version I organised things in the following way:
(assert (goal(subject ..)(action ..)(complement ..))) ; something like this
allows me to interact

now... i only want to keep the Defrules there.. and substitute the previous
thing by instances of the ontology java classes.(being it serializable)


Diego Alonso

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