I think Douglas Pearson wrote:
> Then just as I was starting to write this message a thought occurred to me
> and I can now say that the problem is running Jess inside the Eclipse
> debugger.  If I run the same app outside of the debugger the load time is
> less than a second not 30 seconds.

I did a search at eclipse.org for "debugger performance" and similar,
and got a lot of hits. According to the posts I read, it sounds like
the typical application runs 3-4 times slower under the 2.x debugger
(some even slower; depends on whether the app is compute- or
I/O-bound) and that there are known problems with the 3.x debugger
being another factor of 2-4 slower than that. So we're easily in the
10-20x times slower category already, just from the known
characteristics of the 3.x debugger. I'm sure they're working on the
3.x issue, anyway.

Ernest Friedman-Hill  
Science and Engineering PSEs        Phone: (925) 294-2154
Sandia National Labs                FAX:   (925) 294-2234
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