
Thanks for your quick answer. I know it's hard to debug a program when you're not in front of it.

The details suggest to me that there are two Controller facts. Are you
sure there's only one?

I have just rewritten the rule as following :

(defrule PROCESS::process-entity
       ?fact1 <- (MAIN::Station (disabled FALSE)
                                             (processing FALSE)
                                             (OBJECT ?station&:
(canBeginProcessing ?station)))
       ?fact2 <- (MAIN::Controller(time ?time))
(printout t "process-entity fired" crlf)
(printout t "Station fact is " ?fact1 crlf)
(printout t "Controller fact is " ?fact2 crlf)

And according the console windows it seems there is only one Controller fact, it's displayed :

process-entity fired
Station fact is <Fact-18>
Simulation fact is <Fact-42>
process-entity fired
Station fact is <Fact-18>
Simulation fact is <Fact-42>

But don't bother to much with my problem if you don't have time. After all, as I said in the previous message, it is functional if I use pattern binding. But I still wondering why ...

Cheers !

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