Am i doing something wrong here then,
I have this code on the RHS:
(bind ?effRate (ognl-get ?pdLocation "getEffectivePerDiemRate(#date)" "date"
(if (eq ?effRate nil) then 
        ;;(dts-log-error "No effective rate found for " (call
com.ngc.dts.util.DateUtils formatDateTime ?pddate))
         return )
    (bind ?expense (get-pde-expense ?entObj "mealsAndIncidentalsExpense"))
    (set ?expense allowedCost (?effRate getCommercialMealRate))

But I am still getting this error:
Exception:      JessException
Message:        Can't call method on nil reference: getCommercialMealRate
In Class:
In Method:      call() : null : -1

Jess reported an error in routine call
        while executing (call ?effRate getCommercialMealRate)
        while executing (set ?expense allowedCost (call ?effRate 
        while executing defrule MAIN::assign-cmr.

The (if (eq ..)) test does not seem to resolve to true, and the (call) on the
nil ?effRate variable is still executed.

Am I doing something wrong here ?

On Wed, 11 Jan 2006 11:30:12 -0800 (PST), ejfried wrote
> I think erich.oliphant wrote:
> > I need to make sure that ?objVal is not nill before proceeding further. I
> > don't see any functions that might help me here. (if (eq ..)) doesn't work
> > since it's going to try to call Object.equals(). 
> Actually, "eq" works fine.
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