
Just now getting around to answering my Jess email.  No excuses, just lazy I
guess.  Anyway, 250,000 rules is enormous!  Especially if you're trying to put
them into one contiguous rule set.  I would be really interested in how you
arrived at that number...  :-)

Anyway, here is a partial list of fairly decent books, most still in print,
arranged in MHO of order of preference.  Number 1, of course, is the manual
for whichever rulebased system that you have chosen for whatever reason.
Number 2 is probably my favorite but, unfortunately, it is out of print.  You
might find a copy in a used book store somewhere - if they have two copies,
buy another for me.  I "borrowed" mine from a dear friend and, graciously, he
has allowed me to keep it for all these years.  I constantly get new "stuff"
from it.

Girratano and Riley is probably number 3a because it is so closely tied to
CLIPS which is closely tied to Jess.  Bigus & Bigus is quite excellent and
helped me to explain some tricky concepts in common English, even though they
chose not to implement the Rete algorithm.  The book on KADS is invaluable for
getting down to the nitty gritty of rulebased systems, theory and

The last three are classics and, if you are trying to implement a system
quickly and if you never read them, you haven't lost much.  But, if you want
to read the early works and theories that STILL apply today, they are
invaluable.  If your companion is busy watching TV or something else, they are
really nice for reading on a cold winter's night in front of roaring fire with
a warm snifter of brandy and a good Cuban cigar.  Or a pipe, if you prefer.
(My spousal unit doesn't allow smoking in the house, our fireplace is broken
and I don't drink, so I have to settle for Chopin, good English tea and a warm
blanket.)  :-)

One last thought:  Unless you are running Java 1.4 on a 64-bit system, you'll
run out of memory rather quickly with any of the Rete-based systems; and all
of the Java-based systems are also Rete-based.  Also, you shouldn't use Java
1.4 with any system that uses the "assert" key word - such as JRules - because
I've been told that Java 1.4 wants to use it as well.  A large rulebased
system takes quite a bit of planning on rule architecture and rule flow (yes,
rules flow) as well as overall architectural integration.  If you need some
help in these areas, let me know and I'll put you in touch with some friends
of mine.  (I'm tied up until the end of 2003 on another project.)

1. Manual from whichever rulebased system that you choose.  (Java-based
systems are OPSJ, Jess, Blaze and JRules - and maybe JEOPS).

2. "Rule-based Programming in OPS5"
Thomas A. Cooper and Nancy Wogrin
(Foreword by John McDermott - highly recommended by Charles Forgy)
Morgan-Kaufmann Publishers, Palo-Alto, CA, 1988

3a. "Expert Systems Principles and Programming"
Joseph Girratano & Gary Riley
PWS Publishing Co., 1998

3b. "Constructing Intelligent Agents with Java"
Joseph P. Bigus and Jennifer Bigus
Wiley Computer Publishing, 1998

4. "Knowledge Engineering and Management -
        The Common KADS Methodology"
(Also recommended by Charles Forgy)
Guus Schreiber, Hans Akkermans, Anjo Anjewierden, Robert de Hoog, Nigel
Shadbolt, Walter Van de Velder and Bob Wielinga
The MIT Press, 2000

5a. "Expert Systems - Design and Development"
John Durkin
Macmillan Publishing, 1994

5b. "Principles of Artificial Intelligence"
Nils J. Nilsson
Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 1980 (1933, 1986, 1986)
Tioga Publishing

5c. "Artificial Intelligence - A Modern Approach"
Stuart Rullell and Peter Norvig
Prentice Hall, 1995

"Justice, Randy -CONT(DYN)" wrote:

> Hi
> I have been approached about a project and I think it is a rule-based
> project.  After going some quick calculations, I think the number of rules
> will be about 250,000 rules.
> Can the JESS system deal with a system that large?  Also, my knowledge of
> rule-based systems is limited to a few AI books, Can someone recommend
> another book, web page etc..
> Randy
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James C. Owen
Senior KE
Knowledgebased Systems Corporation
6314 Kelly Circle
Garland, TX   75044

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