I solved it by binding the lot: (Temp (m $?mels)) and writing deffunctions
testing all other patterns.

I ran into this while trying to solve the Zebra Puzzle in a way
fundamentally different from the example distributed with Jess. I have all
permutations as facts and select them by filtering according to the puzzle's
givens. This is where things like
  ($? ivory green $?)
  (? ? milk ? ?)
would have to be written in addition to the binding of the entire quintuple.

Currently I'm not sure whether the use of those deffunction tests is the
reason my solution is considerably slower than the distributed one.


On 15 August 2011 16:53, Friedman-Hill, Ernest <ejfr...@sandia.gov> wrote:

> Yes, "reopening" a slot like this is an error; this behavior was inherited
> from CLIPS.
> I can't think of any particularly elegant workarounds. You can name those
> anonymous multifields and refer to them later in the rule, though -- i.e.,
>  (Temp (m $?first one two $?rest)
> "?first" and "?rest" can be used elsewhere in the same rule to refer to
> what came before and after "one two".
> ________________________________
>        From: owner-jess-us...@sandia.gov [mailto:
> owner-jess-us...@sandia.gov] On Behalf Of Wolfgang Laun
>        Sent: Sunday, August 14, 2011 2:30 PM
>        To: jess-users
>        Subject: JESS: multiple bindings of a multislot
>        Given
>          (deftemplate Temp (multislot m))
>        Cursory tests seem to indicate that a Temp pattern may be written
> with just a single set of clusters consisting of '?', '$?' and their named
> cousins. As an example, it's possible to write
>          (Temp (m $? one two $?))
>        but not
>          (Temp (m $? one two $?)(m $?mvals))
>        to ascertain that "one" and "two" occur as indicated and to bind
> ?mvals to the entire list.
>        There is, of course, the workaround to use (Temp) once more, making
> sure that the facts are the same, but this is rather a lot to write for a
> relatively simple thing.
>        Is it correct that one (multi)slot cannot be used more than once in
> a single pattern (except as a variable between braces)?
>        -W
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