"Diethelm Guallar, Gonzalo" wrote:
> > Raphael, I somewhere read following statement about the jars
> > in turbine's
> > lib directory: "vleocity-0.4.jar: Atemplating engine that
> > will soon replace
> > Webmacro." This was a posting of Cristopher Elkins on 17th,
> > October - I'm
> > not sure if this is agreed upon by all turbine members, but if so, we
> > should probably use velocity instead of webmacro?
> Yes, Velocity is (will be) replacing WebMacro as far as the
> Turbine list is concerned. It is pretty stable right now, with
> a few minor wrinkles to be ironed out. Its parser is WAY more
> flexible than WebMacro's, and there are already key components
> in Turbine (such as torque) that heavily use Velocity.

Yes, but currently there's still some support classes missing for 
Velocity and most important: the templates are the same so switching
for Webmacro to Velocity will just be an issue of changing the default
configuration in TR.p.

AFAIK, in the latest Turbine, Webmacro is still the default templating

Raphaël Luta - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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