At 13:24 02/16/01, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>Hi All,
>I'm testing the last Velocity layout support from the 02/15/2001 cvs 
>stuff. When I'm using EscServeletElement in my portlet, this portlet is 
>rendered before my top navigation HTML tab.
>The same portlet works fine when I use the Jsp layout (the default one).
>In this case, the portlet output is place into the correct portlet tab.
>Have you already test this situation ?
>If yes & works fine, can you send me the to 
>check if I forget something.

See the thread "Velocity support updated" (12. Feb. 2001), I explained 
already there, what the problem and possible fixes are.


>My second question is : How I can use the Turbine servlet within a portlet ?
>I expect with EcsServletElement but I get an exception 
>(IllegalStateException : setting buffer to the writer at 
>org.apache.tomcat.core.ResponseImpl.setBufferSize(...)) only when I'm 
>using the Turbine servlet within my "servlet" portlet.
>Other servlets works fine (based on jsp layout) with this portlet.
>Many thanks in advance,
>In the jetspeed-config.jcfg, I have :
>         <portlet-entry type="abstract" name="servlet" >
>            <classname>lu.cri.portal.portlets.ServletPortlet</classname>
>         </portlet-entry>
>         <portlet-entry type="ref" parent="servlet" name="testservlet">
>         <parameter name="url" value="/portal/template/Login"/>
>             <meta-info>
>                  <title>test</title>
>                  <description>test</description>
>             </meta-info>
>         </portlet-entry>
>My portlet code is
>package lu.cri.portal.portlets;
>import org.apache.jetspeed.portal.portlets.AbstractPortlet;
>  * Title:
>  * Description:
>  * Copyright:    Copyright (c) 2001
>  * Company:
>  * @author
>  * @version 1.0
>  */
>import org.apache.ecs.ConcreteElement;
>import org.apache.ecs.ElementContainer;
>import org.apache.ecs.StringElement;
>import org.apache.jetspeed.portal.*;
>import org.apache.jetspeed.util.*;
>import org.apache.turbine.util.*;
>import org.apache.jetspeed.portal.portlets.AbstractPortlet;
>import org.apache.jetspeed.util.servlet.EcsServletElement;
>import org.apache.jetspeed.capability.*;
>public class ServletPortlet extends AbstractPortlet {
>   public ConcreteElement getContent(RunData data) {
>     PortletConfig pc = this.getPortletConfig();
>     String servletURL = null;
>     try {
>       ElementContainer base = new ElementContainer();
>       CapabilityMap map = CapabilityMapFactory.getCapabilityMap(data);
>       servletURL = (String) this.getPortletConfig().getInitParameter("url");
>       System.out.println("SERVLET PORTLET : " + servletURL);
>//      data.getRequest().setAttribute("test", "a Text");
>       if ( map.getPreferredType().equals(MimeType.HTML)) {
>         base.addElement(new EcsServletElement(data, servletURL));
>       }
>       else if (map.getPreferredType().equals(MimeType.WML)) {
>          base.addElement(new EcsServletElement(data, servletURL));
>       }
>       return ( base);
>     }
>     catch (Exception e) {
>       String message = "TestPortlet : Error invoking " + servletURL + " : " +
>                        e.getMessage();
>       Log.error( message, e);
>       return  new StringElement( message );
>     }
>   }
>   public boolean supportsType(MimeType mimeType) {
>     return MimeType.HTML.equals(mimeType) ||
>            MimeType.WML.equals(mimeType);
>   }
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