Thanks, good to know - so far the downrev is just on the home server, but will have to consider whether to dig deeper when I'm ready to push again. DoS at least isn't much of a factor for my deliberately-avoided-by-all site. :-)

Here's a peek at threads with lots of cpu on them, in case it's on the jetty side:

"qtp1008925772-146" #146 prio=5 os_prio=0 cpu=648389.04ms elapsed=711.23s tid=0x
00007f1a1c04b000 nid=0x6eed runnable  [0x00007f1af52e9000]
   java.lang.Thread.State: RUNNABLE
        at java.util.WeakHashMap.get(java.base@11.0.5-ea/         at com.mchange.v2.encounter.AbstractEncounterCounter.encounter(AbstractE

"qtp1008925772-145" #145 prio=5 os_prio=0 cpu=546854.46ms elapsed=772.97s tid=0x
00007f1a98369800 nid=0x6ecf runnable  [0x00007f1a5b0f1000]
   java.lang.Thread.State: RUNNABLE
        at java.util.WeakHashMap.get(java.base@11.0.5-ea/         at com.mchange.v2.encounter.AbstractEncounterCounter.encounter(AbstractE

"qtp1008925772-140" #140 prio=5 os_prio=0 cpu=601687.05ms elapsed=1112.57s tid=0
x00007f1ab00ed800 nid=0x6e15 runnable  [0x00007f1a5b3f2000]
   java.lang.Thread.State: RUNNABLE
        at java.util.WeakHashMap.get(java.base@11.0.5-ea/

"qtp1008925772-102" #102 prio=5 os_prio=0 cpu=7268038.26ms elapsed=7496.99s tid=
0x00007f1a3412e000 nid=0x59eb runnable  [0x00007f1af55ee000]
   java.lang.Thread.State: RUNNABLE
        at java.util.WeakHashMap.get(java.base@11.0.5-ea/

Whereas this polite thread gives an idea of uptime (elapsed):

"VM Periodic Task Thread" os_prio=0 cpu=21755.03ms elapsed=100153.98s tid=0x0000
7f1b2c565000 nid=0x5016 waiting on condition


On 12/3/19 11:34 AM, Joakim Erdfelt wrote:
9.4.12 is subject to many security issues.

Joakim Erdfelt / <>

On Tue, Dec 3, 2019 at 1:22 PM Bill Ross < <>> wrote:

    For what it's worth, I also just down-versioned from
    9.4.24.v20191120 because my server was using 300% CPU with no
    client activity. I can't rule out my own changes, and a couple of
    out-of-practice looks at thread dumps didn't give me an answer.
    But there's nothing I've added that would keep a thread busy like
    that after startup, and it happens after running a while. So far
    it hasn't happened on the down rev: 9.4.12.v20180830.

    I wonder if there's a thread activity monitor one could add that
    would warn if a thread seemed runaway..


    On 12/3/19 1:14 AM, Silvio Bierman wrote:
    Hi Greg,

    At this moment we are receiving multiple error reports from users
    who suffer from malfunctioning user interfaces. We already had
    received some of those before the weekend but I did not link this
    to our move to 9.4.24. Now a pattern is emerging.
    They are mostly from Firefox users but some come from Safari
    users. The symptoms are consistently similar: missing images,
    unstyled content, parts of content missing etc.

    We will probably have to revert to the previous Jetty version we
    where running (9.4.20) to make sure we do not pick one that
    behaves the same. In the meantime I would be happy to do any
    testing if you would require so.

    Kind regards,


    On 12/2/19 2:42 PM, Greg Wilkins wrote:

    This is the second time I've heard about a problem fetching
    browser resources like CSS or js.  Can you attach the stacks you
    are seeing?

    On Mon, 2 Dec 2019, 22:58 Silvio Bierman,
    <>> wrote:

        Hi Greg,

        The last few days exceptions have started to come up in the
        logging. We can quite easily reproduce them by testing
        common parts of our web applications using Firefox. Using
        Chrome the same actions do not produce exceptions (or warnings).

        Strangely enough this seems to intermittently fail mostly
        (but not exclusively) on plain GET requests for CSS
        resources that are requested by the browser as a result of
        an @import from another CSS resource.

        We serve the files ourselves from a servlet. Perhaps we are
        doing something that triggers this? GET requests for which
        we serve the response content dynamically seem to work fine.
        The same goes for POSTs. Since it only happens via one of
        our code paths I suspect we are causing this in some way,
        although the code is extremely simple.

        Kind regards,


        On 11/29/19 12:27 AM, Greg Wilkins wrote:


        I believe it is ignorable and you can turn the
        HttpChannelState logger level down to suppress them.
        However, if there a stack trace associated with that
        warning then it is not what I think it is and you need to
        provide more information.

        What I believe is happening is that while a request is
        being processed, the associated HTTP/2 stream is being
        reset (probably by the client?)
        This asynchronous error is detected but because the request
        is not async, it cannot be delivered to the request and
        instead we warn.  This is probably over verbose as clients
        can do silly things like close mid request handling.

        @Simone Bordet <> what do you think?


        On Fri, 29 Nov 2019 at 09:03, Silvio Bierman
        <>> wrote:

            Hello all,

            Ever since upgrading to 9.4.24 our stderr-log is filled
            with these messages:

            <>.EofException: Reset

            Can anyone tell me what this means? I take it the
            situation is not
            critical because the application has worked flawlessly
            for years with
            earlier Jetty versions without these messages. Can I
            turn this off?

            Kind regards,


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