
I'm not understanding how your facades work or why exactly they are
needed?  Can you give some examples?

Why can you not just deploy old javax.* code to one context and new
jakarta.* code to a different one.


On Thu, 10 Nov 2022 at 07:58, Cantor, Scott <> wrote:

> >    jetty-12 is dependent on neither namespace, but can deploy contexts
> > that are dependent on javax.* or jakarta.*
> There are, though, two incompatible jakarta-namespaced APIs, Servlet 5 and
> 6. That's where we're having issues because we implement facades for the
> APIs that can't load on both at once.
> We can implement separate ones for 5 and 6 (and thus Jetty 11 and 12) but
> we're not sure how we'll manage it if we do.
> We haven't really looked into how 12 is going to do what it does yet,
> we're just assessing options and knowing when 12 will likely come out helps
> with our planning.
> Most projects are just worried about the APIs they *call* but when you
> also implement HttpServletRequest/Response, it's not that simple obviously,
> and we had no idea Servlet 6.0 actually removed things from 5.0 until today.
> -- Scott
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