I'd call the microsoft disability  help desk.
 1 (800) 936-5900

   Let us know how it goes
.Regards, feliciano 
For tech tips and updates Like my Facebook page: 
Follow me on Twitter: Www.twitter.com/theblindman12v Sent from the Super-iPhone 

On Feb 11, 2015, at 7:43 AM, Ian Nichols via Jfw <jfw@lists.the-jdh.com> wrote:
> Hello Friends,
> I have a new computer (just over a month ago).  It's a desk top (Acer tower)
> with Windows 8.1 and JAWS 16.  It came with Office 365 home edition
> installed.  I haven't been able to figure out whether is the operating
> system, JAWS 16 or Office 365 - or some combination of the three, that is
> causing the problems.
> Apart from the learning curve associated with Windows 8.1 (Groan!), MS Word
> 2013 often has trouble loading Word documents from previous versions of
> Word.  Often it takes a long time to load, displaying a message something
> like "scanning layout", and I can't do anything with the document until it
> is finished.  I have a Word 2010 document with several tables on the first
> page, and it corrupts the document, spreading the 1st page over more than 2
> pages.  My wife says that she can see that it displays the document OK for a
> couple of seconds, then changes it to the corrupt layout.
> I installed Office 365 on a laptop with Windows 7.  It took several hours.
> The MS Office group is in the start menu, but none of the programs will run,
> giving the message that it has stopped working.  The details say "appcrash".
> If anyone can help with suggestions, or point me to some help, I'd be very
> grateful.  I am planning on having a chat with the vendor.
> All the best,
> Ian
> Ian D. Nichols,
> Toronto, Canada
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