For our project, we are not building the entire object graph in memory -
rather the objects are consumed an processed while JiBX unmarshalls the
XML.  To achieve this, we use the store-method and iter-method of the
collection element in our config file (names changed to protect i.p.):


Configuration file:

      <mapping name="BIG_XML" class="com.myproject.ObjectUpdates">

            <collection field="_objectStream" store-method="add"

                  <structure name="MYELEMENT"
type="com.myproject.MyElement" choice="true" ordered="false">



class ObjectUpdates {

    private ObjectStream _objectStream;



class ObjectStream {       

                public void add(int position, Object object) {

                                // process here but don't store in


                public  Iterator iterator () {

                                // construct iterator here...




From: madhu rao [] 
Sent: Saturday, August 15, 2009 8:27 AM
Subject: [jibx-users] Parsing huge xml files using jibx


Hi All,

We are implementing a project in which we have a requirement of parsing
a huge xml file around 26MB. We decided to go with jibx to do this. So I
am bit concerned about the memory consumption of this operation. Here i
am looking forward for some suggestions as to how to reduce the memory
footprint of xml parsing 


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