Nigel Charman wrote:
> A few comments on codegen from schema with the SNAPSHOT release:
>     * There are a lot of nice little improvements to the generated
>       code :-)

Glad to hear that!

>     * When generating code for multiple schema, the default package
>       name for the "wrapper" binding.xml has changed.  With 1.2.1, the
>       package name appeared to be set to the parent package of all the
>       package names contained in the schema-set.  With 1.2.2, it
>       appears to use the package name from the first schema in the
>       schema-set.  Furthermore, setting the "package=" customization
>       on the schema-set does not modify the package name of the
>       "wrapper" binding.xml.

I'll check into this one.

>    *
>     * When using the new binding-file-name customization, I'm getting
>       a "JiBXException: Unknown namespace". Stack trace below.  I
>       couldn't reproduce this on a simple example.  I'll try and
>       create a test case for this tomorrow.
>              [java] Exception in thread "main"
>         org.jibx.runtime.JiBXException: Unknown namespace URI
>         http:///xxx//complex-types.xsd
>              [java]     at
>         org.jibx.runtime.QName.serialize(
>         ...

Damn, that's annoying. If you can duplicate this I'll track down what's 
going wrong, but from the stack trace it probably relates to the issues 
involved in splitting up the bindings as specified by the 
customizations. This is inherently messy, so it may be prone to failures 
until I learn where the snakes are hiding in the grass (by getting bitten).

Hmmm. I really need another metaphor more appropriate to New Zealand... 
"where the kiwi is hiding in the bush" just doesn't do it. "Where the 
racists are hiding in the ministries", perhaps - but too subtle. :-(

>     * The generator is maybe trying to be too clever in its
>       pluralization.  For an element with name="Relay" minOccurs="0"
>       maxOccurs="unbounded", the generator creates the plural Relaies
>       - maybe this is French :-) :
>                 ...
>     In general, I think I'd rather see plurals such as getBodys()
>     spelt wrongly.  Or maybe just play it safe with getRelayList() ?

I'll improve the algorithm another notch, which will take care of this 
particular case. Handling it in general is much more difficult, even if 
we're only dealing with English (see for 
instance). You can always override the default NameConverter in 
customizations to use your own implementation, which can be as simple 
(or clever) as you want.

>     * The new prefix customization is great.  It would be worth
>       documenting that specifying an empty string for the prefix
>       customization removes the prefix="..." attribute on the
>       namespace of the generated binding (making it the default element).

Will add that note - thanks for pointing this out, I'd forgotten that 
part. :-)

  - Dennis

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