Hi all,

I am slowly getting used to JiBX. I can see how useful it is for someone
proficient with the tool.

The issue I am facing is exceptional and concerns how to deal with a List of
elements WITHOUT a wrapping element! I cannot remember the technical term
for this.

Disclaimer: I did not write the DTD.

Objective: create this XML, ignoring the comments (WITHOUT a wrapper element
around EL1...EL2):



                <EL1>1</EL1>        <!--block1-->

                <EL2>a</EL2>        <!--block1-->

                <EL1>2</EL1>        <!--block2-->

                <EL2>b</EL2>        <!--block2-->




Java Objects:
public class AwardOfContract {
    private String contractNumber;
    private List<Block> block = new ArrayList<Block>();
    private Date contractAwardDate;;
public class Block {
    private Integer el1;
    private String el2;

The JiBX documentation does specify how to create a list WITH a wrapper
element. E.g:

                <EL1>1</EL1>        block1

                <EL2>a</EL2>        block1

                <EL1>2</EL1>        block2

                <EL2>b</EL2>        block2


 I cannot find documentation of how to deal with the issue above, that is, a
list WITHOUT a wrapper element. Can JiBX deal with this?

 Many thanks for your help.


Jon L
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