On Thu, 17 Mar 2016 21:23:25 +0100, Alan Bateman <alan.bate...@oracle.com> wrote:

On 17/03/2016 19:51, Robert Scholte wrote:

To me it seems like the need for knowing the module name keeps returning. This increases the need for a proper implementation of the maven-compiler-plugin as a multirelease JAR. The pattern as shown during FOSDEM showed that the idea works, but it is not solid enough. And the next question would be: can Maven (or actually Plexus ClassWorld) handle this?

I'll need to work out the things to be done and try to get more Maven developers involved.
Would it you take it from the source module-info.class or the compiled module-info.class? The former would require a small parser. The latter is not difficult with ASM.


I can do the former with QDox, for the latter I had JDK APIs in mind, but if ASM is an option too, that's an interesting option. Need to figure out how to do that.


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