On 20/07/2020 21:25, Mantas Gridinas wrote:

Recently I've moved my project to the module system from regular
classpath jars. Currently I'm using Adopt OpenJDK11 builds and for
debugging I provide the
command line argument while starting my application. As a debugging
client I use intellij idea's remote debugging functionality. Sometimes
(I am not sure myself what exactly causes this), while debugging my
project, I get into an issue where the debugger cannot access some
classes, their fields or methods. Since right now I cannot provide the
exact error message, I would like to ask: what are the limitations of
the debugger implementation, provided by the JDK, when used on a
runtime with a module system rather than a classpath based system?

Debuggers should work with modular applications. Under the covers, the JDWP agent that you specify with -agentlib uses the JVM Tool Interface and the Java Native Interface that aren't subject to access control. Maybe IDEA is spinning byte code or classes in the target VM? Have you tried submitting a bug to Jetbrains on this?


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