Am Fr., 23. Juli 2021 um 15:05 Uhr schrieb Alan Bateman <>:

> On 23/07/2021 12:17, Gunnar Morling wrote:
> > :
> >
> > > For the migration scenario where the resources are in .properties
> > format then the simplest may be to just deploy the JAR files on the
> > module path where they will be treated as automatic modules.
> >
> > In the scenario I have in mind (for educational purposes mainly) the
> > JAR files contain the properties file as well code and should be
> > usable as "proper" (i.e. non-automatic) modules as well as on the
> > classpath.
> >
> > > There are no split package issues unless the resources have been
> > compiled as .class files.
> >
> > That's very interesting, it's not what I observe. Having the
> > *.properties in one and the same package in multiple modules triggers
> > an error upon start-up:
> I should have been clearer that the "no split package issues" comment
> was in the context of automatic modules where you "move" an existing JAR
> file containing .properties files from the class path to the module
> path. The .class files in the JAR file are used to determine the set of
> packages in the automatic module so if there are no .class files then it
> doesn't have any packages.
> That said, I'm surprised by the exception message as suggests there must
> be classes or resources  in the
> dev.morling.greeter.german module. I think I'd need to see the output of
> `jar --file=<jar> --describe-module` to be sure.

Yes, there is such resource which I had created for demo purposes (see the
jar -tf  output above):


Here's the output you requested:

jar --describe-module --file
requires dev.morling.greeter.base
requires java.base mandated
provides dev.morling.greeter.spi.GreetingMessagesProvider with

Interestingly, the package of the resource file isn't listed there, but it
does trigger the split package error later on. Based on what you say, I
take it that split package error *is* expected in this situation, it'
surprising though to not see the package listed in the output of

If you wanted to reproduce this yourself, the code is here:

Just run "mvn clean install" on JDK 9+, then "mvn exec:exec -pl
:resourceloading-test-runner" for running the application, which should



> -Alan

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