cmccabe commented on a change in pull request #10095:

File path: core/src/main/scala/kafka/server/BrokerLifecycleManager.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,457 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+ * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package kafka.server
+import java.util
+import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.{MILLISECONDS, NANOSECONDS}
+import java.util.concurrent.{CompletableFuture, TimeUnit}
+import kafka.utils.Logging
+import org.apache.kafka.clients.ClientResponse
+import org.apache.kafka.common.Uuid
+import org.apache.kafka.common.message.{BrokerHeartbeatRequestData, 
+import org.apache.kafka.common.protocol.Errors
+import org.apache.kafka.common.requests.{BrokerHeartbeatRequest, 
BrokerHeartbeatResponse, BrokerRegistrationRequest, BrokerRegistrationResponse}
+import org.apache.kafka.metadata.{BrokerState, VersionRange}
+import org.apache.kafka.queue.EventQueue.DeadlineFunction
+import org.apache.kafka.common.utils.{ExponentialBackoff, LogContext, Time}
+import org.apache.kafka.queue.{EventQueue, KafkaEventQueue}
+import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._
+class BrokerLifecycleManager(val config: KafkaConfig,
+                             val time: Time,
+                             val threadNamePrefix: Option[String]) extends 
Logging {
+  val logContext = new LogContext(s"[BrokerLifecycleManager 
id=${config.nodeId}] ")
+  this.logIdent = logContext.logPrefix()
+  /**
+   * The broker id.
+   */
+  private val nodeId = config.nodeId
+  /**
+   * The broker rack, or null if there is no configured rack.
+   */
+  private val rack = config.rack.orNull
+  /**
+   * How long to wait for registration to succeed before failing the startup 
+   */
+  private val initialTimeoutNs = NANOSECONDS.
+    convert(config.initialRegistrationTimeoutMs.longValue(), 
+  /**
+   * The exponential backoff to use for resending communication.
+   */
+  private val resendExponentialBackoff =
+    new ExponentialBackoff(100, 2, config.brokerSessionTimeoutMs.toLong, 0.1)
+  /**
+   * The number of tries we've tried to communicate.
+   */
+  private var failedAttempts = 0L
+  /**
+   * The broker incarnation ID.  This ID uniquely identifies each time we 
start the broker
+   */
+  val incarnationId = Uuid.randomUuid()
+  /**
+   * A future which is completed just as soon as the broker has caught up with 
the latest
+   * metadata offset for the first time.
+   */
+  val initialCatchUpFuture = new CompletableFuture[Void]()
+  /**
+   * A future which is completed when controlled shutdown is done.
+   */
+  val controlledShutdownFuture = new CompletableFuture[Void]()
+  /**
+   * The broker epoch, or -1 if the broker has not yet registered.
+   * This variable can only be written from the event queue thread.
+   */
+  @volatile private var _brokerEpoch = -1L
+  /**
+   * The current broker state.
+   * This variable can only be written from the event queue thread.
+   */
+  @volatile private var _state = BrokerState.NOT_RUNNING
+  /**
+   * A callback function which gives this manager the current highest metadata 
+   * This function must be thread-safe.
+   */
+  private var _highestMetadataOffsetProvider: () => Long = null
+  /**
+   * True only if we are ready to unfence the broker.
+   * This variable can only be accessed from the event queue thread.
+   */
+  private var readyToUnfence = false
+  /**
+   * True if we sent a heartbeat to the active controller requesting controlled
+   * shutdown.
+   */
+  private var gotControlledShutdownResponse = false
+  /**
+   * Whether or not we this broker is registered with the controller quorum.
+   * This variable can only be accessed from the event queue thread.
+   */
+  private var registered = false
+  /**
+   * True if the initial registration succeeded.
+   * This variable can only be accessed from the event queue thread.
+   */
+  private var initialRegistrationSucceeded = false
+  /**
+   * The cluster ID, or null if this manager has not been started yet.
+   * This variable can only be accessed from the event queue thread.
+   */
+  private var _clusterId: Uuid = null
+  /**
+   * The listeners which this broker advertises.
+   */
+  private var _advertisedListeners: ListenerCollection = null
+  /**
+   * The features supported by this broker.
+   */
+  private var _supportedFeatures: util.Map[String, VersionRange] = null
+  /**
+   * The channel manager, or null if this manager has not been started yet.
+   * This variable can only be accessed from the event queue thread.
+   */
+  var _channelManager: BrokerToControllerChannelManager = null
+  /**
+   * The event queue.
+   */
+  val eventQueue = new KafkaEventQueue(time, logContext, 
+  /**
+   * Start the BrokerLifecycleManager.
+   *
+   * @param highestMetadataOffsetProvider Provides the current highest 
metadata offset.
+   * @param channelManager                The brokerToControllerChannelManager 
to use.
+   * @param clusterId                     The cluster ID.
+   */
+  def start(highestMetadataOffsetProvider: () => Long,
+            channelManager: BrokerToControllerChannelManager,
+            clusterId: Uuid,
+            advertisedListeners: ListenerCollection,
+            supportedFeatures: util.Map[String, VersionRange]): Unit = {
+    eventQueue.append(new StartupEvent(highestMetadataOffsetProvider,
+      channelManager, clusterId, advertisedListeners, supportedFeatures))
+  }
+  def setReadyToUnfence(): Unit = {
+    eventQueue.append(new SetReadyToUnfenceEvent())
+  }
+  def brokerEpoch(): Long = _brokerEpoch
+  def state(): BrokerState = _state
+  class BeginControlledShutdownEvent extends EventQueue.Event {
+    override def run(): Unit = {
+      _state match {
+        case BrokerState.PENDING_CONTROLLED_SHUTDOWN =>
+          info(s"Attempted to enter controlled shutdown state, but we are 
already in " +
+            s"that state.")
+        case BrokerState.RUNNING =>
+          info(s"Beginning controlled shutdown.")
+          _state = BrokerState.PENDING_CONTROLLED_SHUTDOWN
+        case _ =>
+          info(s"Skipping controlled shutdown because we are in state 
+          beginShutdown()
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * Enter the controlled shutdown state if we are in RUNNING state.
+   * Or, if we're not running, shut down immediately.
+   */
+  def beginControlledShutdown(): Unit = {
+    eventQueue.append(new BeginControlledShutdownEvent())
+  }
+  /**
+   * Start shutting down the BrokerLifecycleManager, but do not block.
+   */
+  def beginShutdown(): Unit = {
+    eventQueue.beginShutdown("beginShutdown", new ShutdownEvent())
+  }
+  /**
+   * Shut down the BrokerLifecycleManager and block until all threads are 
+   */
+  def close(): Unit = {
+    beginShutdown()
+    eventQueue.close()
+  }
+  class SetReadyToUnfenceEvent() extends EventQueue.Event {
+    override def run(): Unit = {
+      readyToUnfence = true
+      scheduleNextCommunicationImmediately()
+    }
+  }
+  class StartupEvent(highestMetadataOffsetProvider: () => Long,
+                     channelManager: BrokerToControllerChannelManager,
+                     clusterId: Uuid,
+                     advertisedListeners: ListenerCollection,
+                     supportedFeatures: util.Map[String, VersionRange]) 
extends EventQueue.Event {
+    override def run(): Unit = {
+      _highestMetadataOffsetProvider = highestMetadataOffsetProvider
+      _channelManager = channelManager
+      _channelManager.start()
+      _state = BrokerState.STARTING
+      _clusterId = clusterId
+      _advertisedListeners = advertisedListeners
+      _supportedFeatures = supportedFeatures
+      eventQueue.scheduleDeferred("initialRegistrationTimeout",
+        new DeadlineFunction(time.nanoseconds() + initialTimeoutNs),
+        new RegistrationTimeoutEvent())
+      sendBrokerRegistration()
+      info(s"Incarnation ${incarnationId} of broker ${nodeId} in cluster 
${clusterId} " +
+        "is now STARTING.")
+    }
+  }
+  private def sendBrokerRegistration(): Unit = {
+    val features = new BrokerRegistrationRequestData.FeatureCollection()
+    _supportedFeatures.asScala.foreach {
+      case (name, range) => features.add(new 
+        setName(name).
+        setMinSupportedVersion(range.min()).
+        setMaxSupportedVersion(range.max()))
+    }
+    val data = new BrokerRegistrationRequestData().
+        setBrokerId(nodeId).
+        setClusterId(_clusterId).
+        setFeatures(features).
+        setIncarnationId(incarnationId).
+        setListeners(_advertisedListeners).
+        setRack(rack)
+    if (isTraceEnabled) {
+      trace(s"Sending broker registration ${data}")
+    }
+    _channelManager.sendRequest(new BrokerRegistrationRequest.Builder(data),
+      new BrokerRegistrationResponseHandler())
+  }
+  class BrokerRegistrationResponseHandler extends 
ControllerRequestCompletionHandler {
+    override def onComplete(response: ClientResponse): Unit = {
+      if (response.authenticationException() != null) {
+        error(s"Unable to register broker ${nodeId} because of an 
authentication exception.",
+          response.authenticationException());
+        scheduleNextCommunicationAfterFailure()
+      } else if (response.versionMismatch() != null) {
+        error(s"Unable to register broker ${nodeId} because of an API version 
+          response.versionMismatch());
+        scheduleNextCommunicationAfterFailure()
+      } else if (response.responseBody() == null) {
+        warn(s"Unable to register broker ${nodeId}.")
+        scheduleNextCommunicationAfterFailure()
+      } else if 
(!response.responseBody().isInstanceOf[BrokerRegistrationResponse]) {
+        error(s"Unable to register broker ${nodeId} because the controller 
returned an " +
+          "invalid response type.")
+        scheduleNextCommunicationAfterFailure()
+      } else {
+        val message = 
+        val errorCode = Errors.forCode(
+        if (errorCode == Errors.NONE) {
+          failedAttempts = 0
+          _brokerEpoch =
+          registered = true
+          initialRegistrationSucceeded = true
+          info(s"Successfully registered broker ${nodeId} with broker epoch 
+          scheduleNextCommunicationImmediately() // Immediately send a 
+        } else {
+          info(s"Unable to register broker ${nodeId} because the controller 
returned " +
+            s"error ${errorCode}")
+          scheduleNextCommunicationAfterFailure()
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    override def onTimeout(): Unit = {
+      info(s"Unable to register the broker because the RPC got timed out 
before it could be sent.")
+      scheduleNextCommunicationAfterFailure()
+    }
+  }
+  private def sendBrokerHeartbeat(): Unit = {
+    val metadataOffset = _highestMetadataOffsetProvider()
+    val data = new BrokerHeartbeatRequestData().
+      setBrokerEpoch(_brokerEpoch).
+      setBrokerId(nodeId).
+      setCurrentMetadataOffset(metadataOffset).
+      setWantFence(!readyToUnfence).
+      setWantShutDown(_state == BrokerState.PENDING_CONTROLLED_SHUTDOWN)
+    if (isTraceEnabled) {
+      trace(s"Sending broker heartbeat ${data}")
+    }
+    _channelManager.sendRequest(new BrokerHeartbeatRequest.Builder(data),
+      new BrokerHeartbeatResponseHandler())
+  }
+  class BrokerHeartbeatResponseHandler extends 
ControllerRequestCompletionHandler {
+    override def onComplete(response: ClientResponse): Unit = {
+      if (response.authenticationException() != null) {
+        error(s"Unable to send broker heartbeat for ${nodeId} because of an " +
+          "authentication exception.", response.authenticationException());
+        scheduleNextCommunicationAfterFailure()
+      } else if (response.versionMismatch() != null) {
+        error(s"Unable to send broker heartbeat for ${nodeId} because of an 
API " +
+          "version problem.", response.versionMismatch());
+        scheduleNextCommunicationAfterFailure()
+      } else if (response.responseBody() == null) {
+        warn(s"Unable to send broker heartbeat for ${nodeId}. Retrying.")
+        scheduleNextCommunicationAfterFailure()
+      } else if 
(!response.responseBody().isInstanceOf[BrokerHeartbeatResponse]) {
+        error(s"Unable to send broker heartbeat for ${nodeId} because the 
controller " +
+          "returned an invalid response type.")
+        scheduleNextCommunicationAfterFailure()
+      } else {
+        val message = 
+        val errorCode = Errors.forCode(
+        if (errorCode == Errors.NONE) {
+          failedAttempts = 0
+          _state match {
+            case BrokerState.STARTING =>
+              if ( {
+                info(s"The broker has caught up. Transitioning from STARTING 
+                _state = BrokerState.RECOVERY
+                initialCatchUpFuture.complete(null)
+              } else {
+                info(s"The broker is STARTING. Still waiting to catch up with 
cluster metadata.")
+              }
+              // Schedule the heartbeat after only 10 ms so that in the case 
+              //there is no recovery work to be done, we start up a bit 
+              scheduleNextCommunication(NANOSECONDS.convert(10, MILLISECONDS))
+            case BrokerState.RECOVERY =>
+              if (! {
+                info(s"The broker has been unfenced. Transitioning from 
+                _state = BrokerState.RUNNING
+              } else {
+                info(s"The broker is in RECOVERY.")
+              }
+              scheduleNextCommunicationAfterSuccess()
+            case BrokerState.RUNNING =>
+              debug(s"The broker is RUNNING. Processing heartbeat response.")
+              scheduleNextCommunicationAfterSuccess()
+            case BrokerState.PENDING_CONTROLLED_SHUTDOWN =>
+              if (! {
+                info(s"The broker is in PENDING_CONTROLLED_SHUTDOWN state, 
still waiting " +
+                  "for the active controller.")
+                if (!gotControlledShutdownResponse) {
+                  // If this is the first pending controlled shutdown response 
we got,
+                  // schedule our next heartbeat a little bit sooner than we 
usually would.
+                  // In the case where controlled shutdown completes quickly, 
this will
+                  // speed things up a little bit.
+                  scheduleNextCommunication(NANOSECONDS.convert(50, 
+                } else {
+                  scheduleNextCommunicationAfterSuccess()
+                }
+              } else {
+                info(s"The controlled has asked us to exit controlled 
+                beginShutdown()
+              }
+              gotControlledShutdownResponse = true
+            case BrokerState.SHUTTING_DOWN =>
+              info(s"The broker is SHUTTING_DOWN. Ignoring heartbeat 
+            case _ =>
+              error(s"Unexpected broker state ${_state}")
+              scheduleNextCommunicationAfterSuccess()
+          }
+        } else {
+          warn(s"Broker ${nodeId} sent a heartbeat request but received error 
+          scheduleNextCommunicationAfterFailure()
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    override def onTimeout(): Unit = {
+      info("Unable to send a heartbeat because the RPC got timed out before it 
could be sent.")
+      scheduleNextCommunicationAfterFailure()
+    }
+  }
+  private def scheduleNextCommunicationImmediately(): Unit = 
+  private def scheduleNextCommunicationAfterFailure(): Unit = {
+    val delayMs = resendExponentialBackoff.backoff(failedAttempts)
+    failedAttempts = failedAttempts + 1
+    scheduleNextCommunication(NANOSECONDS.convert(delayMs, MILLISECONDS))
+  }
+  private def scheduleNextCommunicationAfterSuccess(): Unit = {
+    scheduleNextCommunication(NANOSECONDS.convert(
+      config.brokerHeartbeatIntervalMs.longValue() , MILLISECONDS))
+  }
+  private def scheduleNextCommunication(intervalNs: Long): Unit = {
+    trace(s"Scheduling next communication at 
${MILLISECONDS.convert(intervalNs, NANOSECONDS)} " +
+      "ms from now.")
+    val deadlineNs = time.nanoseconds() + intervalNs
+    eventQueue.scheduleDeferred("communication",
+      new DeadlineFunction(deadlineNs),
+      new CommunicationEvent())
+  }
+  class RegistrationTimeoutEvent extends EventQueue.Event {
+    override def run(): Unit = {
+      if (!initialRegistrationSucceeded) {
+        error("Shutting down because we were unable to register with the 
controller quorum.")
+        eventQueue.beginShutdown("registrationTimeout", new ShutdownEvent())
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  class CommunicationEvent extends EventQueue.Event {
+    override def run(): Unit = {
+      if (registered) {
+        sendBrokerHeartbeat()
+      } else {
+        sendBrokerRegistration()
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  class ShutdownEvent extends EventQueue.Event {
+    override def run(): Unit = {
+      info(s"Transitioning from ${_state} to ${BrokerState.SHUTTING_DOWN}.")
+      _state = BrokerState.SHUTTING_DOWN
+      controlledShutdownFuture.complete(null)
+      initialCatchUpFuture.cancel(false)
+      _channelManager.shutdown()

Review comment:
       good point.  we should check.

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