Hi I am a headhunter and contractor provider who does a LOT of Perl
search and placement (about 30 fills over last 18 months). 

When you post you should make the distinction that you are a software
engineer turned headhunter, so dealing with you will be more comfortable
for other Perl SWEs. Besides, headhunters are a thick skinned bunch and
we will slam you and point out your deficiencies but we will never be
insulted... *wink*

As to developing your business beyond your one shop... I could tell you,
but then I would have to kill you... Just kidding.

What geographic market are you in? Give a call and I will give you a few

Larson J. Rider
(408) 298-6775 office
(408) 661-7260 cell - after hours

-----Original Message-----
From: Uri Guttman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Saturday, April 08, 2006 9:39 PM
To: jobs-discuss@perl.org
Subject: Re: quandry

>>>>> "WM" == Walt Mankowski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  WM> On Mon, Apr 03, 2006 at 07:00:52PM +0200, Dr.Ruud wrote:
  >> Take what life presents to you, when life presents it. "Adopt,
  >> Improve." "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade."

  WM> You seem to be enjoying the work but feeling a bit guilty about
  WM> Don't they pay you head hunters enough to afford therapy? :)

well, it isn't any ethical problem with the work itself. i have gotten
work via headhunters (but not in years. they dropped out of the perl
market after the bust) so i know them well and i actually respect what
they are for even if i don't respect all the practioners. and the pay
for the amount of work is much better than any programming job i have
ever had (understanding that i never hit it big with any IPO's :( ).

my hit ratio in this situation is pretty high from what i know. i have
sent in 3 for onsite interviews and 1 was already hired. and i have
another onsite scheduled and another in the phone interview phase. given
how picky this shop is (and they are VERY picky) i am probably blowing
away any of those agents. more on this below.

my quandry can be better expressed if i were to post about these leads
as other agents are posting. what would be proper to write about how i
am different than the other agents??  can i really say i have a better
entree into the shop? or that my knowing perl well will make me a better
judge of an applicant's talent and i could do a better job getting them
interviewed? given that multiple agencies posted about this before means
that i don't have any issues with posting about it too. but is there a
boundary that i shouldn't cross or maybe i could approach? do i say that
i am a perl hacker who is doing this on the side so i know more about
the work than any other agent could?

but i think i won't even post the jobs (for now) as i seem to be doing
well with direct connections. i know so many perl hackers all over and
many top level ones that i can discretely approach some about this shop.
and as i have mentioned above that so far i have had a good hit ratio.

now my real quandry is do i try to expand this business to beyond this
shop? i fell into this situation and i am running with it for this shop
but how do i find others? i have no connections into large corps with
perl work. or rather i have some but not with the manager types who
hire. i don't want to become what i despise in many headhunter places.
what i have really like about what i have done so far is that almost all
my applicants are perl people i know and some for many years. so i will
continue doing hunting for this shop as they have several more slots to
fill and i imagine more will open as the work grows. and i have also
opportunities to consult for them doing perl stuff but that is another

any headhunters on this list that would be able to chat about this? or
have i insulted them all? :)



Uri Guttman  ------  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  --------
http://www.stemsystems.com --Perl Consulting, Stem Development, Systems
Architecture, Design and Coding- Search or Offer Perl Jobs
----------------------------  http://jobs.perl.org

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