Sounds good, tks Lukas. Actually I've got no more ideas.

2016-10-19 16:00 GMT+02:00 Lukas Eder <>:

> Hi Denis,
> Thank you very much for sharing this. That looks very sophisticated - nice
> Stream usage.
> I wonder if we should add some methods to the jOOQ API, e.g.
> Table.fieldStream() to get a Stream<Field<?>> as opposed to Table.fields()
> which returns Field<?>[]. This would allow for flatmapping on that method,
> e.g.
>             Map<String, List<Field<?>>> onlyLiveColumns =
>                     // .flatMap(table -> 
> Arrays.asList(table.fields()).stream())
>                     .flatMap(table::fieldStream)...
> I've created an issue for this:
> Thanks again for sharing! Seeing actual user code is always great
> inspiration for the API design.
> Let me know if you see any additional features that you might want to see
> to improve your schema meta data navigation experience.
> Lukas
> 2016-10-14 8:23 GMT+02:00 Denis Miorandi <>:
>> Hi Lukas,
>>      this is a code snippet to achieve comparision. It's limited to
>> tables (columns). Comparision is made from left to right and from right to
>> left.
>> Outcome is what's in only on left and what is only on right (if a table
>> is missing all table columns are printed otherwise just different columns).
>> We use it sucessfully to prevent install in production if code is not in
>> sync with db (in a rest service). We have got also a gui tool to show
>> what's different.
>>   String result = "";
>>         List<ApiWebToolsTabellaListItem> tabellePreprod = new ArrayList<>();
>>         List<ApiWebToolsTabellaListItem> tabelleProd = new ArrayList<>();
>>         try {
>>             String databaseName = 
>>                     ? SQL : POSTGRES;
>>             ArrayList<String> functionsToExclude = getDatabaseFunctions();
>>             List<Table<?>> generatedTables = getGeneratedTables().stream()
>>                     .filter(x -> 
>> !functionsToExclude.contains(x.getName())).collect(Collectors.toList());
>>             Schema schema = create.meta().getSchemas().stream().filter(x -> 
>> x.getName().equals(databaseName)).findFirst().orElse(null);
>>             List<Table<?>> liveTables = schema.getTables().stream()
>>                     .filter(x -> 
>> !x.getName().equals(V_VE_EDIL_RIPARTO_FINALE_2007))
>>                     .filter(x -> 
>> !functionsToExclude.contains(x.getName())).collect(Collectors.toList());
>>             Map<String, List<Field<?>>> onlyLiveColumns =
>>                     .flatMap(table -> Arrays.asList(table.fields()).stream())
>>                     .filter(e -> ( -> 
>> Arrays.asList(table.fields()).stream())
>>                             .noneMatch(d -> {
>>                                 String dt = ((TableField<?, ?>) 
>> d).getTable().getName();
>>                                 String et = ((TableField<?, ?>) 
>> e).getTable().getName();
>>                                 return (dt + "." + d.getName()).equals(et + 
>> "." + e.getName());
>>                             })))
>>                     .collect(Collectors.groupingBy(
>>                             x -> ((TableField) x).getTable().getName(),
>>                             Collectors.mapping(x -> x, 
>> Collectors.toList())));
>>             Map<String, List<Field<?>>> onlyGeneratedColumns = 
>>                     .flatMap(table -> Arrays.asList(table.fields()).stream())
>>                     .filter(e -> ( -> 
>> Arrays.asList(table.fields()).stream())
>>                             .noneMatch(d -> {
>>                                 String dt = ((TableField<?, ?>) 
>> d).getTable().getName();
>>                                 String et = ((TableField<?, ?>) 
>> e).getTable().getName();
>>                                 return (dt + "." + d.getName()).equals(et + 
>> "." + e.getName());
>>                             })))
>>                     .collect(Collectors.groupingBy(
>>                             x -> ((TableField) x).getTable().getName(),
>>                             Collectors.mapping(x -> x, 
>> Collectors.toList())));
>>             ;
>>             System.out.println("______________________________");
>>             System.out.println("ONLY LIVE");
>>             onlyLiveColumns.entrySet().stream().map(x -> {
>>                 System.out.println("------------------");
>>                 System.out.println(x.getKey());
>>                 System.out.println("------------------");
>>                 return x;
>>             })
>>             .flatMap(x -> x.getValue().stream())
>>             .map(x -> x.getName())
>>             .forEach(System.out::println);
>>             System.out.println("______________________________");
>>             System.out.println("ONLY GEN");
>>             onlyGeneratedColumns.entrySet().stream().map(x -> {
>>                 System.out.println("------------------");
>>                 System.out.println(x.getKey());
>>                 System.out.println("------------------");
>>                 return x;
>>             })
>>             .flatMap(x -> x.getValue().stream())
>>             .map(x -> x.getName())
>>             .forEach(System.out::println);
>> Il giorno martedì 20 settembre 2016 15:25:39 UTC+2, Lukas Eder ha scritto:
>>> Excellent, thanks for the feedback. Once we have something workable, I
>>> can also take another look at speeding up meta queries for these use-cases.
>>> There's always room for improvement.
>>> 2016-09-20 14:59 GMT+02:00 Denis Miorandi <>:
>>>> got it, now is less than 10 seconds
>>>> Schema schema=create.meta().getSchemas().stream().filter(x->x.getNa
>>>> me().equals("dbo")).findFirst().orElse(null);
>>>> List<Table<?>> liveTables=schema.getTables();
>>>> so that I've to make some work on maven plugin generation to to avoid
>>>> clean + rebuild all.
>>>> Tks Lukas
>>>> Il giorno martedì 20 settembre 2016 14:33:06 UTC+2, Lukas Eder ha
>>>> scritto:
>>>>> Yes, this does take a while too. Behind the scenes, JDBC's
>>>>> DatabaseMetaData is invoked for every catalog / schema, and possibly also
>>>>> for every table to collect columns.
>>>>> You might be able to speed it up by choosing meta().getSchemas() and
>>>>> then calling schema.getTables() only for the desired schema.
>>>>> 2016-09-20 14:28 GMT+02:00 Denis Miorandi <>:
>>>>>> got it. I'll update you about my progress, to discuss more if needed.
>>>>>> Just to know create.meta().getTables() takes 90 seconds, ignoring
>>>>>> compilation time.
>>>>>> Il giorno martedì 20 settembre 2016 13:25:48 UTC+2, Lukas Eder ha
>>>>>> scritto:
>>>>>>> Hi Denis,
>>>>>>> Sure, there are many interesting features and ideas that we could
>>>>>>> integrate from users. Before providing an actual PR, however, I'd love 
>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>> discuss concrete ideas, though. There's quite a big productization leap
>>>>>>> from "works for me" to "works for everyone". I'm sure there's potential 
>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>> this topic, though.
>>>>>>> Interesting to know that your generation is slow. My take here is
>>>>>>> that this is probably due to the queries jOOQ is running, not the actual
>>>>>>> generation work. Writing the files is very quick. Recompilation should 
>>>>>>> be
>>>>>>> as well, as jOOQ doesn't touch files whose content haven't changed, so 
>>>>>>> you
>>>>>>> can profit from incremental compilation. This leaves us with the 
>>>>>>> queries.
>>>>>>> You could turn on debugging during your code generation, and we'll 
>>>>>>> probably
>>>>>>> see quite a bit where the generator wastes its time.
>>>>>>> Best Regards, and thanks again for offering your help!
>>>>>>> Lukas
>>>>>>> 2016-09-20 12:23 GMT+02:00 Denis Miorandi <>:
>>>>>>>> ok now I'm understand why you don't use select *.
>>>>>>>> Compare live and generated sounds good. To achieve this I should
>>>>>>>> compare following objects
>>>>>>>> List<Table<?>> generatedTables=it.clesius.dat
>>>>>>>> alayer.icef.jooq.Dbo.DBO.getTables();
>>>>>>>> List<Table<?>> liveTables=create.meta().getTables();
>>>>>>>> I'm going to do it.
>>>>>>>> This is very interesting and raise me into some other questions?
>>>>>>>>    1. If I wrote this code could you integrate it into jooq ?
>>>>>>>>    2. Using this function should be theoretically possibile to
>>>>>>>>    make a code generation by difference, I mean generate only changed 
>>>>>>>> tables.
>>>>>>>>    This is important to me cause my db is >1000 tables and
>>>>>>>>    generation is quite slow.
>>>>>>>>    Could be an interesting issue to open, isn't it?
>>>>>>>> Il giorno martedì 20 settembre 2016 10:58:40 UTC+2, Lukas Eder ha
>>>>>>>> scritto:
>>>>>>>>> Hi Denis,
>>>>>>>>> Thank you very much for your question. Excellent SQL standard
>>>>>>>>> document style definition of T1, C1, C2, etc. :)
>>>>>>>>> That's a very interesting question. I believe that somewhen in the
>>>>>>>>> past, there had been a similar enquiry on this mailing list where 
>>>>>>>>> someone
>>>>>>>>> solved the problem by comparing the jOOQ meta data with the production
>>>>>>>>> schema. You can do this by comparing:
>>>>>>>>> - MY_GENERATED_SCHEMA.getTables() and then fields()
>>>>>>>>> - DSLContext.meta().getTables()
>>>>>>>>> That could be run as some sort of integration test or smoke test.
>>>>>>>>> Another option would be a nightly build that re-generates the jOOQ 
>>>>>>>>> schema
>>>>>>>>> and compares the nightly build's version's Java code (or byte code) 
>>>>>>>>> with
>>>>>>>>> the version that is checked in in version control and running in 
>>>>>>>>> production.
>>>>>>>>> Another option will be available in jOOQ 3.9, when it will be very
>>>>>>>>> easy to export meta data information in XML format, which is much 
>>>>>>>>> easier to
>>>>>>>>> compare than Java source code or byte code. Some example issues:
>>>>>>>>> -
>>>>>>>>> -
>>>>>>>>> Indeed, you mentioned "typesafe mode with select *" - by that you
>>>>>>>>> probably mean using DSLContext.selectFrom(), which returns generated
>>>>>>>>> records instead of the untyped org.jooq.Record. In that case, you 
>>>>>>>>> cannot
>>>>>>>>> automatically check column names explicitly.
>>>>>>>>> Probably I should better know the engine behavior, but I'm
>>>>>>>>>> wondering about why jooq does not render T1.* instead exploding 
>>>>>>>>>> fields.
>>>>>>>>> The reason is because jOOQ will expect exactly the columns that
>>>>>>>>> are available from the generated record and optimises fetching them by
>>>>>>>>> using access-by-index rather than access-by-name. If T1.* was 
>>>>>>>>> generated in
>>>>>>>>> the SQL statement, you would only defer the problem until later. It's
>>>>>>>>> usually desireable to have this query fail early.
>>>>>>>>> You could force jOOQ to generate a SELECT * query and discover the
>>>>>>>>> actual columns from the actual result set meta data if there's at 
>>>>>>>>> least one
>>>>>>>>> "unknown" table (i.e. plain SQL table) in the FROM clause. But that's
>>>>>>>>> generally not desireable.
>>>>>>>>> Btw in a full jooq environment this is not an issue, but legacy
>>>>>>>>>> code exists...
>>>>>>>>> Sure, I perfectly understand this.
>>>>>>>>> I hope you've found my ideas useful. I'm sure there are other
>>>>>>>>> ideas too, to detect this issue as early as possible.
>>>>>>>>> Lukas
>>>>>>>>> 2016-09-20 8:29 GMT+02:00 Denis Miorandi <>:
>>>>>>>>>> hi Lukas,
>>>>>>>>>>    we have a mix of jooq (mine) and legacy non jooq (aka string
>>>>>>>>>> queries) code in production.
>>>>>>>>>> Sometimes happens that :
>>>>>>>>>> let *T1* be a table and *C1,C2* it's column.
>>>>>>>>>> let *JAPP* be a jooq app that use T1.C1
>>>>>>>>>> let *LAPP* a legacy APP that use T2.C2
>>>>>>>>>> let T1 be shared between *JAPP and LAPP*
>>>>>>>>>> Suppose a developer on LAPP rename T1.C2==>T1.C3 and don't care
>>>>>>>>>> about put in production jooq generated code.
>>>>>>>>>> Now JAPP is broken cause when jooq generate query on whole table
>>>>>>>>>> it generate
>>>>>>>>>> ==> SELECT FROM T1.C1, T1.C2, *but
>>>>>>>>>> T1.C2 was renamed to T1.C3*
>>>>>>>>>> The issue is that JAPP does not use directly T1.C2 in code so
>>>>>>>>>> neither an automatic build could solve this problem due to dynamic 
>>>>>>>>>> nature
>>>>>>>>>> of select fields.
>>>>>>>>>> Probably the only compatible/working solution should be to
>>>>>>>>>> generate select T1.*, but seems that jooq can not work in typesafe 
>>>>>>>>>> mode
>>>>>>>>>> with select *.
>>>>>>>>>> Probably I should better know the engine behavior, but I'm
>>>>>>>>>> wondering about why jooq does not render T1.* instead exploding 
>>>>>>>>>> fields.
>>>>>>>>>> Btw in a full jooq environment this is not an issue, but legacy
>>>>>>>>>> code exists...
>>>>>>>>>> Have you got any ideas how to avoid this issues?
>>>>>>>>>> --
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