On Fri, 13 Jul 2012, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:

Btw.: What could be improved is the stuff validator knows. The more it
doesn't know, the less useful it becomes, because with lots of
warnings you will not look at the single problem anymore. E.g.
validator complains about tags on nodes (that "it" thinks are for ways
only) also in conjunction with traffic_sign tags. When mapping
maxspeeds some mappers store the position of the sign (tags:
traffic_sign=maxspeed, maxspeed=60) and not just the speed limit
implications on the way.

For these cases open a ticket describing the exact case and your suggestion to fix it. Usually these tickets are fixed very fast except there is no clear indication that it really is a bug (i.e. if there are different opinions what is right).

An attached patch also helps :-)

E.g. a lot of "unknown tags" especially in relations could be fixed by more relation presets.

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