Hi Dirk!

This feature is really nice and seems helpful to inspect some imagery without the need of an editor.

- Type wms is not yet supported. I need to write JavaScript code which is
   able to use JOSM URL and Tiled-WMS method with OpenLayers.

Help to fix the first two of above issues welcome. If someone makes an
example in JavaScript, I'll implement it in the server code.

See https://gist.github.com/11109048 for a working example (tested in Chrome, Opera) based on the Geoimage.at WMS.

This works as follows: The WMS URL is parsed, everything between the protocol and pathname part is used as the corresponding OL-URL. Additional parameters are parsed and a preselected list (namely LAYERS, KEY (for Geoimage.at key), MAP (for mapserver WMS), STYLES, TRANSPARENT, VERSION) is given to the OL parameters object.

Dirk, I hope this is helpful for your server side implementation.


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