On Sun, 20 Apr 2014, Simon Legner wrote:

 - Type wms is not yet supported. I need to write JavaScript code which is
    able to use JOSM URL and Tiled-WMS method with OpenLayers.

 Help to fix the first two of above issues welcome. If someone makes an
 example in JavaScript, I'll implement it in the server code.

See https://gist.github.com/11109048 for a working example (tested in Chrome, Opera) based on the Geoimage.at WMS.

This works as follows: The WMS URL is parsed, everything between the protocol and pathname part is used as the corresponding OL-URL. Additional parameters are parsed and a preselected list (namely LAYERS, KEY (for Geoimage.at key), MAP (for mapserver WMS), STYLES, TRANSPARENT, VERSION) is given to the OL parameters object.

Dirk, I hope this is helpful for your server side implementation.

I have a partial implementation of this approach already included, but stopped before the parameter parsing and thought about switching to a tile-based method like in JOSM. But maybe you're right and this approach is enough. Your example gives the necessary steps to finish my partial stuff. Parameter parsing will probably be in python, but at least now I know what to do with these afterwards.

OpenLayers 3 docs are a nightmare or I did overlook that essential piece of doc which explains everything.

But due to my intervention OpenLayers now supports {-y} in the TMS URL's. ;-)

http://www.dstoecker.eu/ (PGP key available)

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