> Am 16.03.2015 um 18:02 schrieb Jochen Topf <joc...@remote.org>:
> We don't need all stats. Lets say to start we just make a list of keys that 
> are
> okay, say all keys that are used at least 1000 times. Thats currently about
> 3500 keys.

I don't like this approach, it will throw notices for keys that might be well 
structured, discussed and documented but for stuff that doesn't exist a lot or 
is interesting only for few mappers, but it will let pass keys with typos but 
used more than 1000 times eg because of an import. 

I'd prefer to have the keys in the whitelist hand selected by humans, and to 
create and maintain that list taginfo will be very useful. Another criterion 
could be docu about the tag, because if nothing is documented it is likely that 
different people use the same tag for different stuff.

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