On Fri, 18 Mar 2016, Michael Zangl wrote:

I decided to apply to GSoC once again this year.

During my GSoC last year I noticed that there are many things in JOSM
core that are working but make extending JOSM painful. I already send in
many small patches over the last year but I did not have the time to go
any further and work on some of the bigger tasks. Especially #11838 and
#11637 did not get the focus they deserved and starved a bit.

This is why I propose to restructure some things, especially around the

Those are the tasks I identified and of which I think that they can fill
a summer - a lot of the work will be required for backward
compatibility, testing and fixing bugs.

You're sure this only fills a summer?

I appreciate many of the ideas you have to make the core components more modular. That's a lot of work and if finished will allow us to start some things which are wanted for some time (e.g. using the MapView in other places).

Is there a chance that GSoC accepts such an approach, as it's hard to show your own work when a constant review process lies inbetween?

We did similar things in the past, e.g. when replacing the data storage with QuadTree. In such cases we accept less mature code and constant fluctuation for some time as long as it does not break the software completely and the changes come in small steps. We'll get fire from the latest-user in that time, but one could say that's appreciated feedback :-)

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