Thanks for the reply.

Can you explain a little more about how I mark the XML data as upload=no please?

I had already tried using passing some gpx to the load_data command, but the 
data wasn't showing up in JOSM.

Here is the data I tried.  Should this work or does it need some modification?

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
<gpx xmlns=""; version="1.1" creator="HOT 
Tasking Manager">
  <link href="";>
    <text>HOT Tasking Manager</text>
  <name>Task for project 2731. Do not edit outside of this box!</name>
      <trkpt lon="27.1170043897" lat="-17.0042617833"></trkpt>
      <trkpt lon="27.1197509717" lat="-17.0042617833"></trkpt>
      <trkpt lon="27.1197509717" lat="-17.0016352552"></trkpt>
      <trkpt lon="27.1170043897" lat="-17.0016352552"></trkpt>
      <trkpt lon="27.1170043897" lat="-17.0042617833"></trkpt>
    <wpt lon="27.1170043897" lat="-17.0042617833"><name>Do not edit outside of 
this box!</name></wpt>
    <wpt lon="27.1197509717" lat="-17.0042617833"><name>Do not edit outside of 
this box!</name></wpt>
    <wpt lon="27.1197509717" lat="-17.0016352552"><name>Do not edit outside of 
this box!</name></wpt>
    <wpt lon="27.1170043897" lat="-17.0016352552"><name>Do not edit outside of 
this box!</name></wpt>
    <wpt lon="27.1170043897" lat="-17.0042617833"><name>Do not edit outside of 
this box!</name></wpt>

Ian Feeney
Senior Developer

Glendevon House
Castle Business Park
Stirling FK9 4TZ

Tel: 01786 476060
Tel: 01786 476067 (Direct Dial)

-----Original Message-----
From: Dirk Stöcker []
Sent: 30 March 2017 12:11
Subject: Re: Advice on JOSM remote control

On Thu, 30 Mar 2017, Ian Feeney wrote:

> I am currently working on the redevelopment of the OSM Tasking Manager 
> application with my company thinkWhere (
> The application allows users to select task squares for mapping, then
> launch JOSM by remote control zoomed to the right area with imagery
> added to do the mapping.  It currently uses
> load_and_zoom<
> mands#load_and_zoom> and imagery remote control commands
> I am looking for a way to send feature data to JOSM so that users can 
> visualise where they should be mapping or reviewing mapping done by others.  
> The features don’t become OSM data, they are just a visual guide.
> Is there a way for me to send data to JOSM to load over the remote command 
> api?  Or a way for me to get JOSM to request data from a URL?
> I have investigated the options at 
>, but I haven’t 
> found a way to get this working.
> So far the only way I have found is that users download a gpx from my app to 
> their computer, then do file>open in josm, but I want to see if there is a 
> way to do it without that manual download/upload.

You can e.g. use "load_data" or also "import" to pass a new layer containing 
the information.

Mark the XML data as upload=no or upload=never (since JOSM 11709) to prevent 
accidential uploads.

The XML can either (mis-)use the standard style or you invent own tags and 
supply an own display style rendering your tags like you want them to be.

-- (PGP key available)

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