I am currently running High Sierra and JDK 12. I have been trying to
identify how to get the JOSM (latest-tested) OSX build
(https://josm.openstreetmap.de/download/macosx/josm-macosx.zip) to
source JDK 12 as opposed to using the JRE identified by the Java Panel
(which is the now defunct "internet plugin"). I have run the jar that
comes in the package, and I have also replaced that jar with
latest-tested downlaoded directly, with no change in behavior if I run
from Applications. If I run from command line, JOSM sources the java set

I have been unable to find anything that identifies whether any of the
OSX files (like info.plist) or JOSM settings provide the option to set
how JOSM sources Java, and JOSM does not source JAVA_HOME if started
from Applications.

I can't tell whether the current state of affairs is a feature, a bug,
or simply an artifact of my own ignorance.

But, I am guessing that more and more OSX users will be confronting the
same problem, and it may get worse as I have heard that Apple will be
eliminating the Java Panel and plugin location in new version of the OS.

Since JOSM works just fine if invoked from CLI, I have to assume that
something in Contents is pointing JOSM to the Internet plugin, instead
of to JAVA_HOME.

Can someone tell me how, where one can find and adjust this, and perhaps
this could be modified in the OSX build to first look to see if
JAVA_HOME is set, and then use Java from there?

"There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy. "

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