
Thank you very much Mathew for introduciong me. So our Coordinator 
called me Leg Puller, let me start with pulling his legs.... :) When this 
Mathew giving all this instructions, advise, reminders etc we will be 
getting an idea about an Old animator like .....(you can fill it with a 
local animator's name) or we might think that he is very serious guy etc 
etc. But the fact is very different, you can see a Hero Honda Bike flying 
over speed because he is always busy with many programmes. Then you he 
is very nice, cool chap, and you will really love his company. Now you 
know why Mathew wrote such a nice essay about me... he know i will write 
back some thing like this... Mutual understanding... :)

Last day I saw a mail from Smiju, he is from Abdhudhabi and he always send 
some throat provoking questions... " Is there any relation between 
Love & Anger ? " it is Smiju's question, I am trying find answers from my
past experiences... if you have any answers please send it to joynet. 

Priya's sharing is so nice. Congratulations priya. If all of us can share 
some experiences like that it will be great. Earlier also priya used to 
send nice testimony's like this. good work priya. 

I was looking for our Giju last few days, he is always busy and even 
though I see him on-line in MSN almost all time in the day, he wont be 
answering from that side. what is going on?????? Hey he is getting married 
soon, exited.... any way our web master will be missing in action for 
sometime.... Giju you got to arrange an E- party for all joynet members. 

Now all of must be scared to send mails to joynet thinking that it is 
going to more than 650 persons around th world.... Yeah i am also scared 
because we dont know much about most the members. how can we know each 
other, we have to write.... and other has to read.... Hope we all will 
try to send more personal mails to Joynet. 

Earlier we used to get reports from different countries what happened 
to Leese & co. please somebody from each regions send their reports 
and experiences.

hey anybody noticed some mails coming with a tail 'C.C.'???? what is that?
Is it like 100 CC bike??? hey this one is better one, running all 
around India. Yeah, jesus youth national Cordinator.... His name is C.C.
anybody know the full name of C.C.????

NB: Now onwards we can add one more thing in the Joynet memberhip form. 
All the mebers has to send atleast one mail per week... what do you 
all think????????? are you ready to recive around 100 mails per day????

Luv you all,
Colombo, Sri Lanka

Visit my web page : www.crash.to/suresh

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