Hi friends,

our Joynet is growing daily and Now we are 659 members in Joy net. 
i think half of this members joined this year. The beauty of this 
group is that even though most of the people never met each other 
face to face we have that love in this group. Other positive point 
I noticed is we have more listeners here than speakers.... Normally 
in our gatherings, there will be lot of people sharing them self 
and few will be listening... Now here it is opposite... Just imagine 
if all this 659 send 1 email to joynet one fine day..... then our 
poor Hindhustani friends might have to spend half of the day to 
down load it.... :)

last 6 months i was a silent listner of Joynet. there is some other 
reasons also behind it. Anyway Joynet was the only helping hand for 
me last 6 months. When I was fighting with God, when i tried to find 
out cruel face of God, When i cried out 'Lord you are far away from 
this World'.... God was answering me through Joynet. I thank God and 
to all my brothers and sisters for making this Community so beautiful...

Now I am back in action here. My company is planning a new project 
here in Colombo and it is completely trusted on me. I came here to 
work for the company and now getting chance to invest with my Boss. 
God not counting my sins or drawbacks in life, when we do mistakes 
he is blessing more.... 

I realize even from our bad actions god can make good results. 
Some of you may not agree with me. but i experienced it last month. 
When i tried to be over smart, not listening God, he changed it in 
a good way. okay friends let me stop here, will come back with 
more mails soon. 

Luv you all,

Colombo, Sri Lanka

Visit my web page : www.crash.to/suresh

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