Dear Friends,

The Prayer of Covering was given by two of friends from my parish.  Each 
time I said this prayer Lord Jesus filled me with His peace and Holy Spirit. 
  I would like to share two blessing received from our Lord Jesus.

Praise the Lord.  Yesderday night I called my dad to come and join the 
family prayer.  He did not get up from the bed saying he is feeling sick.  
We decided to go to his room and say the family prayer.  Before going to his 
room I felt like saying the prayer of covering and started saying the 
prayer.  Before I could end this prayer I saw my dad jumped from bed and 
came to the room where I was sitting and said lets start the family prayer.  
This filled me with great joy and we said the family prayer.  Praise and 
thanks to Abba Father, Lord Jesus Christ and Holy Spirit Lord.

This morning when my mom was reading this prayer.  When she was saying the 
sentence “I am God’s child” she was sitting under the altar and the glass 
vase with flowers from the altar fell.  So miraculously only the flowers 
feel on her head and the glass vase fell on the ground and broke to pieces.  
She was saved from the glass vase falling on her head.  Praise and thanks to 
Abba Father, Lord Jesus and Holy Spirit Lord.


Dear Heavenly Father, I pray this prayer in the power of the Holy Spirit, in 
the name of Jesus, I bind, rebuke and bring to no effect all division, 
discord, disunity, strife, anger, wrath, murder, criticism, condemnation, 
pride, envy, jealousy, gossip, slander, evil speaking, complaining, lying, 
false teaching, false gifts, false manifestations, lying signs and wonders, 
poverty, fear of lack, fear spirits, murmering spirits, complaining spirits, 
hindering spirits, retaliatory spirits, deceiving spirits, religious 
spirits, occult spirits, withcraft spirits, including jezebel, delilah, 
appolyon and spirits of the anti Christ.

I bind all curses that have been spoken against me, I bless those who curse 
me and pray blessings on those who despitefully use me and I bind all 
generational curses that have come down upon me and my family.  I bind all 
spoken judgements made against me and judgements I have made against others. 
  I bind the power of negative words from others, negative words I myself 
have spoken and bind and render useless all prayers not inspired by the Holy 
Spirit whether psychic, soul force, witchcraft or counterfeit tongues that 
have been prayed against me.

I am God’s child ; I resist the devil.  No weapon formed against me shall 
prosper.  I put on the whole armour of God, I take authority over this day 
in Jesus’s name.  Let it be prosperous for me and let me walk in your love, 
Lord.  The Holy Spirit leads and guides me today.  I discern between the 
righteous and the wicked.  I take authority over satan and all demons and 
those people who are influenced by them.  I declare that satan is under my 
feet and remain there always.  I am the righteousness of God in Jesus 
Christ.  I am God’s property.  Satan you are bound from my family, my mind, 
my body, my home and finances.  I confess that I am healed and whole.  I 
flourish, am long lived, stable, durable, incorruptible, fruitful, virtuous, 
full of peace, patience and love.  What ever I set my hands to do shall 
prosper for God supplies all my needs.  I have all authority over satan, all 
demons and beasts of the field.  God I pray for the ministry You have for 
me.  Anoint me O God to do all that you have called me to do for You.  I 
call forth divine appointments, open doors of opportunity, God ordained 
encounters and ministry positions.  I claim a hedge of protection around 
myself and my family members throughout this day and night.  I ask You God 
in the name of Jesus to dispatch angels to surround me, my spouse and 
children today at to put them throughout our house and around our 
possessions, cars, souls and bodies.  I ask angels to protect my house from 
any intrusion and to protect me and my family from any harmful, demonic or 
other physical or mental attacks.  I make this prayer in the name of Jesus 
Christ my Lord and Saviour.  Amen.

Fatima sharmila

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