Dear all,
(Extract from Diana's Gratitude Journal) folks read this when u have time on 

This will go on to read in two parts the 2nd part giving u a glimpse of what 
I saw where there was no Burning Bush.

It is very true that there is this unknowing, unceasing, immense , intense 
and incomprehensible (I am trying to express with an apt word, again I fail) 
that's the feeling that the soul has, a longing to be in union with the 

We all have had moments of grave and deep desire to spend time with the 
LORD. Must be personal prayer or even other wise a desire to just be with 
HIM, off from all that seems to be important.

And ha! I need not express that bliss, when we heed to that call, but when 
we do not,beware.. that seems to be the most wasted away time, a time that 
our entire life on this planet cannot get back.

Read on to know one of my little experience when.. I listened to the 
"deepest" desires to spend time in the most odd of situation , in the most 
undesired place, and of all most undesired time.

I was on my way back from a trip that lasted 3days, beginning of this month 
from Jaipur, I was to catch the connecting flight to Bangalore at Mumbai, 
having 2 hours 35 minutes connecting time.( waiting.. time I most dislike).

12.20 noon 7th Nov.

I am off the Sahara that landed at 12.20 at Mumbai , i walk out and lend a  
helping hand to a young lady with a baby running all around the place ...
then.. I walk out the exit expecting no one to be around.. walk to the booth 
call Welchy Joynet just to say  hai and sorry for not catching up with her 
on my way up to Jaipur,( I had taken the same route) while trying to explain 
to her why I could not meet her.. i feel something odd..happening to me...a 
small dent somewhere in my system (soul I suppose)starts creeping in. Do not 
know from where, but yes for sure, I could feel the small dent start growing 
to something bigger.

I ask Welchy if there is a church nearby, secretly preparing myself to not 
make it, if it meant over 20 minutes drive around town( mumbai traffic...its 
crazy) while talking to her I feel it.. all the more deep, welchy tells me 
there is one but it would be a long ride.

I guessed the growing vacuum within would subside, no... looked like it was 
growing soo fast, at a rate that I had to stop talking to Welchy and leave 
her hanging (welchy if u r reading this u will get ur answer for that 
incomplete call) I drop the receiver turning around to see an old wrinkled 
man beside me. Ha!!! I should say a wrinkled old angel...with  "can I help 
u" look. Very spontaneously I ask, "is there a church  near by?" and lo! the 
angel introduces himself as PAUL Pariera. To my surprise he tells me..
"I knew u would ask me that.. The LORD is waiting...". I could not help but 
laugh my lungs out. In the midst of the hustle bustle midnoon rush here is 
someone who knows what is going through my innermost being, which I myself 
couldn't place my finger on. (Remember? I mentioned the void)

Now pat comes the answer from PAUL the angel, there is one just ten minutes 
from here, ten rupees on the meter, he will drop u off at a small bridge 
(small bridge specified) cross it and u r in front of the church.
Picking my travel bag, I follow Angel Paul  towards an Autorikshaw (a mode 
of three wheel Indian transport)
I give my best of smiles and thank u, and am off...The Lord is waiting.... I 
get of the auto, to my amazement the bridge is.. this huge Mumbai railway 
over head crossing, seemed all the more like a trek with the travel bag of 
mine, ha! i am walking ahead in the midnoon sun only with the fear that the 
vacuum in me will grow soo much that it will devour me, if I did not pay 

I cross the bridge, a line of beggars, lepers, cripples and lazy tramps, 
which  confirmed that I was close to a Church, later did I realize that it 
was their roofless home, and I was cribbing the short walk in the sun.

I walk around this compound three times looking out for a small board which 
would read "Church". Remember!!!! the vacuum in me was growing, now  I felt 
that I would disappear in seconds if I did not get to "my LORD waiting for 
me "

I pass couple of big gates all pad locked and one beggar tells me that there 
is an entrance over the corner.
I walk it up to find a miniature gate cut out of a huge gate like that of 
the central jails...
I wonder why this BANDOBAST (means "security") for a church, again to find 
the church padlocked at all doors... Great!!!!! My long walk just for 
this???? Fine... I will sit out and catch "my Lord waiting for me" I 
decided. Just then like in the movies....lo!
A Goorkah( now! that's a security) walks up and tells me even with out my 
asking that the chapel is open, around another corner. I walk it over head 
down, bothered, if I was to get back to the autostand and then the airport i 
have not enough time to fill that void/ vacuum in me that's grown like a 
huge drying up sea...

"ok! look up girl is a voice" from within me.
Hahahaahah! to my amazement I see this huge blue board most pleasing to the 
eyes and on it in red plastic block letters read "SACREMENT".  Is this want 
I wanted...I would never know till … wait and read on..

to be continued....
catch tomorrows mail..
Love in Jesus,
Diana Vincent,

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