"Patrick Dooley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
Subject :    Culture of Death  
Date :    Thu, 6 Apr 2000 12:02:37 -0400  
Dear members,
I want to thankyou guys and gals for not ostracizing me outright.  I know
that some of the claims I made sound incredibly outrageous and quite
frankly crazy.  
Secondly I would like to point out, that the issue of abortion is tightly
related to contraception.  Not suprisingly,  abortion became really big in
North America five or six years after the Catholic Bishops allowed
disobedience to  Pope Paul VI's Humanae Vitae (have I spelt it correctly).
Contraception unfortunately became, and has bocome a common dimension of
many Catholic marriages in Canada and the United States.   Naturally,
couples engaged in the conjugal act with no intention of concieving a child
will naturally tend to rely on abortion when a child is concieved.  Here in
North America we have been fighting abortion for thirty years with little
or no success.   The reason is quite frankly we have not wanted to give up
or contraceptive mentallity.  In a certain sense it is more evil to
contracieve than it is to abort.  When one uses contraception,  a child has
no chance to life, and thus no chance to eternal life.  At least when a
child is concieved and aborted,  it can still enjoy the beatific vision in
I will try to get some time to start backing up some of my earlier
statements soon.   Fight contraception, and abortion will die.
Sincerely Patrick Dooley 

   Giju George" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
   To :    "jylist" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
   Subject :    Re: Culture of Death  
   Date :    Fri, 7 Apr 2000 12:02:50 +0530  

Hi Friends
So much has been discussed on the cultureof death.
But I am stuck on the following point from Patrick's mail

"In a certain sense it is more evil to contracieve
than it is to abort.  When one uses contraception,  a child has no chance to
life, and thus no chance to eternal life.  At least when a child is
concieved and aborted,  it can still enjoy the beatific vision in heaven."

Here arises a question.
Is it not still worse
not being able to take proper care of the numerous offspring
(as Suresh pointed out the number could be 10-20)
than to keep a check on the number of them ?

To take care means not only the finacial capability of the couple
to bring up their children
but the time and individual care they have to give to their children.
One can site examples of those couples who have many children.
But does that mean it could be a success story with every couple?

Please throw some light on this.


"Patrick Dooley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
To :    "Jesus Youth" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
Subject :    Triumph of the Culture of Life  
Date :    Fri, 7 Apr 2000 13:59:03 -0400  

Dear friends, 
I am sorry if I have created any confusion.  In my last statement I said
"In a certain sense it is more evil to contracieve than it is to abort.
When one uses contraception,  a child has no chance to life, and thus no
chance to eternal life.  At least when a child is concieved and aborted,
it can still enjoy the beatific vision in heaven."
After reading some of the responses,  I realized that this sentence could
be misinterpreted.
I did not mean to say that it is better to avoid contraception and simply
abort if a baby is concieved. Abortion is evil.  Contraception is evil.  I
simply meant to criticize the contraceptive mentality which is so widely
held in Christian and even Catholic circles.  
I would like to thank Father Thomas in helping to bring this to my attention.
Patrick Dooley 

Subject :    RE: Choose life, that you and your children may live the truth
ab out birth control  
Date :    Sat, 8 Apr 2000 05:26:18 +0530  


I would like to break my silence after quiet a long time.  I really wanted
to comment on this topic much before, but couldn't find time.

Many pro-life advocates (I really don't mean any sarcasm here) show a
variety of scientific proofs in order to establish their arguments against
abortion and contraceptive methods.  But do we have any scientific survey
results on the success (or failure) rate of Natural Family Planning?  At
least, I haven't seen any prolife session talking about them.  One thing
most of such sessions fail to highlight is the fact that the success of NFP
very much depends on the predicability of fertile days in women (unless the
couple is determined to apply self-control during more than 70% of the days,
in order to avoid undesired/unexpected pregnancy).

What is the  percentage of the women having non-standard periods?  What is
the percentage of the women having varying menstrual-fertility cycle?  How
predictable is the fertile days in women?  What are the factors which can
have an effect in the period cycle?  Don't these factors include
physical/psychological shocks, stress etc?

Howmany of these questions are answered in our pro-life sessions and
pre-marriage courses?  Even if answered, are they backed up with solid
scientific proofs?   No Christian ( I mean one who follows Christ) can
really support abortion, we should live with unexpected/undesired pregnancy
as we do with any other disaster.  But what are the psychological effects on
the parents and child in such cases.  It is a pity that most of the prolife
preachers purposefully avoid talking about these things and spend most of
their time bashing abortion/contraception.

I am not arguing that the contraception or abortion is the right method to
avoid undesired children.  But we should know all the available facts before
taking a decision. And sometimes we have to choose a smaller evil from
bigger ones.

I feel we should take some bold steps here.  Can we conduct a survey among
JY couples to determine the percentage of people following NFP and their
success rate?  We can have the survey done via web (probably anonymously)
and results can be published on our homepage.  Then we can guide our youth
based on some practical (and living) facts.

You are most welcome to comment on the topic and answer any or all of my
questions above.   Feel free to express your opinions.

With love of Jesus,

Benoy Mathew <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
   To :    [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
   Subject :    pro life  
   Date :    Fri, 7 Apr 2000 21:41:15 -0500  

Dear Friends,

We have been having a lot of discussion on the subject of contraceptive
methods.I appreciate all the different views put forward by
different people on the subject.I feel it would be good if
someone(preferably a catholic priest or someone well versed on the official
doctrines of the catholic church) would plse come forward and state the
official and correct doctrine of the catholic church regarding this  as I
feel many of us have doubts regarding where the church actually stands on
this issue at present.Patrick in one of his mails wrote that some years back
the Catholic Bishops allowed disobediance to the Humanae Vitae of Pope Paul
VI.In this context
I feel it is high time that someone clarifies what the official doctrine is.
Plse do continue to contribute to this issue.

Praise Jesus
Ur brother in Christ

>From :    "Manoj Sunny" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
    Reply-To :    "Manoj Sunny" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
   To :    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
   Date :    Sat, 8 Apr 2000 10:43:38 +0530  

Hello Friends,
It is so nice to see that our JYNet is becoming very active and useful.
Beena's interview for registering for PhD went on well. Thank You very much
for your prayers.
I think  the suggestions Mathew has made is very relevent. Since this is a
fight against the other world also, Prayer will be one of the most powerful
weapons. As many of you know, Pro life is a very active ministry in the
Jesus Youth. We have organised many awareness pgms., a number of training
progms. to prepare many volunteers to fight against this evil, prepared
many materials, slides, a set of 100 posters for conducting
exhibitions..etc. Now Dr. Sindhu( co-ordinator of Prolife ministry) is
working on the possibility of  a National Pro Life Conference which will be
organised by CCBI, in collabration with all other pro life movements in
India. We are proposing it from 2nd to 4th June,2000 to be conducted in
Cochin. As you can imagine, a lot of problems are there in the organisation
of this Conference. Please do pray for us.
Also,we can offer support in any of your projects to fight against this
culture. We can help you by providing materials,
posters of organising Exhibitions,set of slides, vidieos, small booklets
etc..   Let's work together against this deadly evil so that the mission of
Jesus in the earth -to give life in its abundance- will be experienced by
many souls.
Love, Manoj Sunny 

"jini joseph" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
Subject :    Doubt to be clarified  
Date :    Sat, 8 Apr 2000 11:32:45 -0500  

I have come across somebody saying, that they do not want children, instead
like to adopt a child. The raeson is they have seen once mother therasa's
orphanage and felt there are are lot of children wanting to have parent's
affection and there is no other reason. Nothing wrong with the couples and
decided not to to have their own children. Ofcurse they can't do it for all
the children may be can save one or two children's life. Is there anything
wrong if they do this or Is there any Catholic rule says it is not correct.
I am not sure about it. Can somebody answer this?

love & prayers

Subject :    Re: Culture of Death  
Date :    Sun, 9 Apr 2000 20:58:53 EDT  

Dear Friends,
I saw several emails on abortion and contraception from our friends.  But
nobody seemed to have mentioned anything about the health of the mother.
Abortion and even frequent pregnancies can be very bad on the women who have
them.  Abortion can be even more harder on the mother later on due to the
feeling of guilt.  So could you say that occasional use of contraceptives to
avoid very frequent pregnancies that can be hard on the mother, to be as big
an evil as abortion?

Colombo, Sri Lanka

Visit my web page : www.crash.to/suresh

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