A Great Miracle

I had told you about a friend of mine who had gone for
confession and had some doubts which by the grace of
god I cleared off.He had a great miracle.The day
before his confession he had gone to his
college.(third year Bachelor of Physio Therapy
(BPT)).He told me that he was in good mood than he
usually was.

There was some urgent needs in the hospital as next
day was diwali and many staff were on leave.So his
friends asked him to come along but he told them that
he had to study.

They called him many times but he refused them. All he
time he had and inner call to go and he finally went
with them.There he was asked by the doctor to take
charge of a man who had a semi paralysed hand. He went
and he narrates (in present tense) as follows."I (ie
my friend)went and I felt that he was very depressed.I
asked him whether he believed in Christ.He told me
that he once had but now he lost the faith.I enquired
the matter.He told me that he had a wife whom he loved
who was no more.

Then I dont know where I got the grace I told him that
he had to thank god that he was able to live with his
wife for 25 long years.Also Christ the Divine Doctor
is going to heal you fully and  the only thing you
have got to do is BELIEVE BELIEVE BELIEVE .I told 
him to smile and he gave a smile that had the 
grace of Christ in it." 

The most important thing is what is told me after
this."All the time I kept thinking why I was disturbed
when I had such a great mood to study.But now I know

Are we also willing lets us all answer his sweet voice
we will also have great Miracles 

A small miracle

Yesterday I was working at my  office and a collegue
of mine asked me to help him with a report.I went but
it would not budge.So I asked Lord to help me.But I
forgot to ask for my friend.Then the lord revealed a 
small command to him and he asked me to try it and it
worked out fine.

When we are as a group in trouble or at other times we
should keep all the members of our group in our

Yesterday I had given my vehicle for service at a
different place that I usually service and I had to do
some replacements which were not avilable at the
placewhere I usually service.Today as I went to
collect my vehicle I prayed Lord to get me the parts
as I go about a lot on my vehicle.Praise be the
lord.They told me to wait till tommorow so thatthay
can repair all the parts.Also the travel to the
service station and back was free as I got lift Up and
Down (Here its Bus Strike In coimbatore)

Miracles small or great they are working of the Holy
God ,the Holy Trinity

With love and Prayers in the name of Jesus Mary and


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