Dear friends,
 One day I received a one liner mail from somebody saying, "I thought of u
today in the bus and I prayed for u..."

 After reading this mail, I got a wonderful idea.I spent about 4 hrs a day on
an average traveling by bus.. Most of my time in the bus is used up either
sleeping, chatting with a co-passenger (conversation is mostly about
Vajpayeeji, lalooji , mulayam singhji or criticizing the govt, the DTC bus
driver. etc!!) or else just day dreaming.. How would it be If I utilized my
time praying, interceding for others?.. I thought of giving it a try. This
happened about more than one month ago.

 I made a decision to make use of my travel time for intercession..its now
more than a month that I've been doing it. and  believe me, my life is
changing in marvelous ways. The lord is showering His blessings on me and my
family. The lord is taking care of my affairs so much better than I would ever
have done on my own. After I started interceding for others, I can especially
feel His grace with me. There was a sin that I've been wrestling with for a
very long time (I'm not saying what is is, hope u all don't mind.) After I
started praying for others, I've experienced the deliverance of the lord. It
doesn't trouble me any more. Praise The lord!!

 In case any of you, feel that your prayers are not getting answers or your
bills not getting passed up there, or ure not able to overcome certain
negative habits here's a shortcut to the sanctioning office of heaven!! Use
ure free time, to pray for other people. Its working for me.

 The wonderful person who send me that mail is none other than Priya
Joy-(full) chechi!!

Thanx chechi, for this wonderful idea, my blessed nut wouldn't have been open
had u not send that mail.

 Love and prayers in Jesus,


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