Yes ,Jeena ,That's so very true.I could relate to 
 that.When we enter a Professional field we 
 really tend to get lost in it.That was me!!!.

  But very recently, the Lord has taught me a couple
of very important things in my life through a person 
who is a high school drop out!!.

  2. FOCUS

   He asked me to ask myself 2 questions 
  1.What is your No.1 Goal or priority in Life?
    I said ,Oh!! my no.1 goal is to attain salvation
    and  to  help others to do the same  and 
    then follows my other goals in life    
  2. He said "Good , but how focussed are you in
achieving that No.1 Goal of yours?
   %*@#%... I started thinking .......

 Thanks and Praises to God


--- jeena -- james <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dear joynetters,
>       Praise god….
>  These days I was becoming weak and weak in my
> prayer life. As I have wrote to you all, it is all
> professional here. And hardly gets time to go for
> any other activities. After coming to ernakulam I
> went only 2-3 times for jy gatherings. Boz I was
> busy with one or the other work. And these things
> always prevented me from going to a group.
>  But our prayer group was there and still there in
> my hostel. Thanks to the Almighty God.
>           And last day I had the chance to go in a group
> at Berly chattan’s house. I had a very nice time
> there. I enjoyed each moment with lord. I was really
> longing for such a prayer group, someone to pray for
> me or were I can share my feeling and troubles. And
> when I was like going to sink, umesh(ekm) and jilly
> (ekm full timer) gave the right pat at the right
> time.
>                  A am writing all these because
> there might me someone like the me facing the same
> problems. Once we enter a professional field it is
> really difficult.. But” STANDING AGAINST THE TIDE IS
>                  When I was at Kuttikanam there was
> lot of people to care and help me out, but it is not
> the situation now. And again I thank lord for giving
> such situations. I started realizing how much
> painful to live with out or go away from Lord.
>  And when you find anybody not coming for a group or
> showing a change in attitude give him the right pat.
> A jy can’t let another jy left out.. Is it??
>  Love and prayers
> Jeena.
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