Hello Joynet Friends,

I am from Cochin, Kerala, India. These days I am mostly at my parents' house
in the village, Kumbalanghi. The evenings are quite relaxed, with a long dip
in the pond and sometimes a walk near the river side. At about 9pm I spend
quite some time in intercession. I pray for Jesus Youth all over, especially
those with responsibilities in it and those who have asked for prayer. I
remember Joynetters and many faces in it and it goes on, International JY
conference in Canada, the Rex Band trip, etc are uppermost in my mind.

But one intention comes back to my mind again and again, that is, the need for
urgent prayer for priests. "The harvest is plentiful . . . . Pray the Lord of
the harvest . . " (Mt.  9: 37)

Let me share some of my thoughts so that a few of you readers may respond.

We have to pray for priests. Priesthood, I believe, is a wonderful invention
of the Holy Spirit. I think of many great priests I know, some of them in this
network, Joynet. Some Bishops are very close to my heart. I very well know
that one priest alive in Spirit is indeed a mighty force for the building up
of the Kingdom. All over the world a great number of priests are doing this
wonderful work of God, and we have to pray for Priests. "I do not pray for
these only, but also for those who believe in me through their word" (Jn. 17:

When I hear about failures in the life of some priest, I again say we have to
pray for priests. They are called for a big mission and they have responded.
They were set apart and were given support and training. But they are from
among us and need our support. While talking to a big group of priests two
weeks back, one of them was sharing from his heart, 'Sir, don't forget, we are
human. We need your love and support'. We have to pray for priests.

I dream of a wide network of people who will love the Church, love the priests
and earnestly pray for them. "If two of you agree on earth about anything they
ask . . ." (Mt. 18:19). I can never do the wonderful amount of God's work that
any single priest does. (Though sometimes some priests tell us that many of us
Jesus Youth do much more than any of them, I believe that our effectiveness
comes from our sharing of the work of these priests.) Even if I cannot work
like a prist, I can surely have a share of the abundant graces of priesthood
by loving and praying for priests. "He who receives a prophet because he is a
prophet shall recieve a prophet's reward. . .  even a cup of cold water  . .
shall not lose his reward." (Mt. 10:41).

I don't have a complete idea, but we must have a network to specifically PRAY
FOR PRIESTS. There has to be certain things that (i) each one in this network
should do and (ii) certain things they do together as a body of intercessors.

(i) Individually,

- Daily take time to remember priests with love and pray for them. => I
remember priests in general and then specifically think of the priests I know
and life them to the Eternal Priest. And then I say a decade of the rosary for

- Love and respect priest. => I greatly value my relationship with priests. It
is a great thing to know a priest. There is an age-old custom of kissing the
hand of a priest. At times it is a little embarrassing, but I take great joy
in kissing the hand of some of them.

- Try not to spread bad news about priesthood rather spread inspirational

- Collaborate in whatever way possible with the good things that priests are

and more . .

(ii) as a network called PRAY FOR PRIESTS,

would some of you like to give some ideas for me.

So, do pray for priests,

Eddy/Cochin/ India

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