Jesus to Gabrielle Bossis on june22,1944

He : If you knew what the love of God is, it would be impossible for you
not to abandon everything to Him and let yourself be lost in Him. You
would not dream of not counting on Him in life and death. Even on earth
you prefer to love a superior person, don't you ? Aren't you attracted by
intelligence ? warmth ? kindness? Multiply by infinity all the gifts that
you look for in those you love; God is more. For there are depths of
tenderness in Me that you have never known. And this very God wants to
possess you ... ! You, little nothing, loved by the All !

Don't let your thoughts wander from Him. You are enfolded in His
presence. Breath in Him, move in Him. Above all, don't be afraid, for
this would sadden Him. Your trust and joy honour Him. Expect everything
from Him and everything will come to you.

Jesus Loves You.


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