Hi Friends,

Forgive me but I don't think we should pay much attention to articles such as these. While it may be true that this has happened, it does us no good (nor the church for that matter) to read & dwell on these types of matters. By doing that, we are only feeding into the media's gross invitation to mock the Catholic church. Perhaps this priest did make a mistake but who are we to judge. This whole incident is not relevant to our spiritual growth or to our faith and morale as Catholics in any way. I'm sure the powers that be in Rome fuelled by the wisdom of the Holy Father will resolve this issue and we need not think, worry or talk about it.

I mean no offense to anyone but please in the future, let's really think about what we're posting. If it's not to anyone's benefit or advantage (in terms of spiritual growth) then perhaps we should think twice before we send it to everyone, especially with a title such as this. Thanks for listening and God bless,......-Mary (Calgary, Canada)

From: "Sangeet Binoy (REPORTER" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "mail" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [JOYnet] naughty Bishop !!
Date: Sun, 21 Nov 2002 19:00:00 +0530

Shamed Zambian archbishop celebrating first Mass since marriage scandal

CASAMARI, Italy _ A Zambian archbishop who embarrassed the Catholic
Church by getting married last year, only to reject the union and then
disappear from view, was taking a major step back into the fold Thursday by
celebrating his first public Mass since the scandal.
Archbishop Emmanuel Milingo was married to South Korean acupuncturist
Maria Sung in a group ceremony led by the Rev. Sun Myung Moon last year, but
subsequently he rejected the marriage on a request from Pope John Paul II.
then vanished from public view, to the despair of his wife.
Sung launched a desperate campaign to learn the fate of Milingo, saying
the Vatican was holding him against his will. However, the Church announced
in September that Milingo had spent a voluntary yearlong spiritual retreat
Last week, the Vatican released videotape showing Milingo arriving at a
new home in Zagarolo, 30 kilometers (about 19 miles) southeast of Rome.
He was celebrating Mass on Thursday in an abbey in Casamari, about 100
kilometers (62 miles) southeast of the capital.
A top Vatican official, Monsignor Tarcisio Bertone, told Vatican Radio
last week that Milingo had reconciled with the Church and had agreed to take
a quiet ministry away from too much publicity.
Milingo caused controversy in the Church long before his marriage by
conducting religious ceremonies that troubled some Vatican officials.
He was summoned to Rome in 1983 after resigning from his post as
archbishop of Lusaka, Zambia, for performing faith healing and exorcisms.
Large crowds of people then flocked to Rome seeking cures from Milingo, and
the Vatican removed him from his post there.
``I'm not able to judge whether it's true that he carried out miracles.
But so many people are attracted to this and believe in him,'' Franco
Mazzoli, 48, said Thursday, as he was waiting outside Casamari's
abbey for the ceremony to begin. ``If someone can influence people so
positively they have to be respected.''
Bertone, however, told an Italian newspaper that from now on Milingo's
ceremonies would only be traditional ones.
``As everyone will see starting this afternoon, he will no longer perform
faith-healing prayers during Mass and won't perform exorcisms in front of
faithful, but only in private places,'' Bertone told Corriere della Sera.
In Thursday's interview, Bertone also said that the archbishop was
scheduled to go back to Zambia on Dec. 4-19.
``Monsignor Milingo's return to his homeland has specific purposes:
Meeting with bishops, which is a gesture of reconciliation, and meeting with
his family,'' Bertone said, adding Milingo would also visit two charitable
institutions he founded there.
Milingo recently conducted a long interview with an Italian journalist
that was published as a book called ``The Fish Fished from the Mud.'' In it,
Milingo said he had ``wanted to provoke shock'' by marrying Sung after he
been removed from his Vatican post.
He said the removal left him feeling isolated and that his requests to
meet with the pope back then ``were lost in the ceremonial bureaucracy'' of
the Vatican. Milingo said followers of the Rev. Moon approached him and that
he saw a ``solution to my state of isolation.''
Milingo had not appeared in public following the scandal, although he
spoke via TV linkup on a late-night Italian talk show on Sept. 30. In that
interview, he indicated that he might like to resume his faith healing, and
insisted that there was nothing untoward about his practices.
``We have some rites than seem like magic, but they are not like that,''
he said.

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