Hi All,
 I too have a small experience that increased my faith in Mother Mary 
tremendously.This was very  very long back but I can never forget the experience all 
my life... I had a fight at home and my mom din't speak to me...nobody spoke.Scoldings 
are okay but not speaking at all was a little tough to handle.I was thoroughly guilty 
about my pathetic behaviour and decided to spend some time in the chapel adjacent to 
college.Fortunately there was nobody in church that odd hour..the atmosphere was very 
prayerful.I told Mother Mary with all my sincerity to touch me for once..I'll never 
fight again..just one more chance..and I could feel her presence..she was very 
compassionate , she did touch me, I suddenly  felt a great peace flowing into me, 
...it was a magic moment for me, she was there and I could feel it.This instilled a 
lot of faith in me in Mother Mary.She is adorable.There is no way that you call upon 
Mother Mary and she doesn't answer you! Just have to tell her..
I have my aunt who is a spiritual counsellor. She told me that this prayer "Ethrayum 
dhayayulla Madhavae" in malayalam ( don't know what it is in English) is very powerful 
and you should keep telling it very often..(all the time she actually said!)  while 
travelling or doing any work at home...
I haven't been saying the rosary seriously for quite some days now...either I am too 
tired or too sleepy and I end up saying the "Nnama Niranja Mariyamae" (Hail Mary) 
instead of  "Parishudha Mariyamae" (Holy Mary)and sometimes say "Swargasthanaya  
pithavae"(Our Father) all of a sudden when everybody is telling the Litany! and wake 
up from my deep slumber when my cousin starts giggling. 
Will say the rosary from now on with greater dedication.Thanks a great deal to 
Prejomy, Tina and Sanju for the sharing... 
came across these  cute words ..."How do I love thee?Let me count the ways.I will love 
thee to the depth and breadth and height my soul can reach."

Love and Prayers, 

Sanju Joseph <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Dear Bros and Sis,

Got to write something when it is about Mama Mary.
So here are some of my experiences. I think my
relationship with Mother Mary has grown from strength
to strength over the years by the grace of God. And
now I run unto her as a powerful intercessor and a
protector from the wiles of the enemy. Thanks to the
wonderful directions given to all of us by Her during
the powerful apparitions happening at Medjugorje and
many other parts of the world.

Right from my school days by Gods grace I used to
be among the scoring students. But never ever in my
entire years of education had I got the 1st rank ie
to top a class or a batch ; except for once. That was
when I was in my 7th standard. I used to have a strong
bonding with Our Lady right from my childhood thanks
to my Grandmother. One night after my prayers I went
to bed and was just about to sleep when i saw a bright
white light and I knew it was Our Lady. Those were
times when Charismatic renewal - visions and gifts was
never heard of. She told me - "Ninakku Rank Kittum".
(You will get a rank). No first , second or third but
just "a rank". I immediately woke up and felt a little
angry with Our Lady thinking that she addressed me as
"Ninakku" cos I love to be called as "Mon" (Son/Sonny)
if it is some one very close to my heart :-). When the
exam results came for the first time in my life; and
never again I got my First Rank.

Also during school days I used to bike to my
school. I was hit and thrown up by a high speed
Yamaha. During my aerodynamic flight thru the sky I
called - "Our Lady". I landed on a soft patch and had
no major injuries. I remember how the entire school
including the Princy came running to me. A sort of 
(limbing) hero I was ! Thanks to Our Lady!!

Even during my hey days at college. I ensured
that I made my prayer to Our Lady before I hit the bed
after a real tough days work :-):-):-)

I started realizing the power of Our Lady and
her powerful protection when I started praying the
Memorare ("Remember O most gracious Virgin Mary").
After going deep into catholic renewal ministries I
came to know from ministers and people of God the
power of the Rosary in breaking the enemy. A very
intimate friend of mine was sharing his experience
where the preacher with him was praying for a woman
possed with an evil spirit. He was there supporting
the preacher. The preacher took out the Rosary and
when the woman saw the Rosary she started trembling
with fear and produced some awkward sounds. When the
rosary was brought near her she started saying - "mary
matha .. mary matha ". And when the rosary touched her
body it was as though hot fire pieces was put over her
body. The entire deliverance happened using the Rosary
and powerful praises to Lord Jesus Christ.

Another experience I would like to share,
happened a few weeks before. When I was in the church
after the morning mass; a big black bee came and
started revolving round my head in big circles. The
other time this happened was when I came back after
giving a session on Spiritual warfare at Infant Jesus.
I was praying with the Rosary in my hand then. I felt
Our Lady saying - "Use my Rosary as a whip". No I did
not try hitting the bee with my Rosary :-) But I just
said in a very soft voice ; might look crazy as well -
" You come near me ; I will hit you with the Rosary".
And there goes the bee out of the Chruch. yahooooo!

So many eperiences with Mother Mary!!!Praise
God! My prayer is that if there is just one person
standing on earth faithful to Our Lady let it be me. I
am sure that situation will never arise; cos She is so
proactive and busy now a days; drawing people to his
son our Lord Jesus Christ. Truly "Blessed among all
women" . I know some youth who pray 20 rosaries daily
I sure envy them. Ave Maria!

Love n Prayers

--- Tina Jose wrote: >
> Just like Prejomy, I too had a wonderful experience
> yesterday. As you must
> know, there was a private bus strike and I am the
> last person you'd find on
> a KSRTC bus, simply because whenever I get into one
> I always end up in the
> wrong place.
> But since I had to attend class ( being journalism
> students mean that you've
> got to reach the institute no matter what, and once
> I was forced to walk the
> entire 3 kilometers), I was forced to get up from my
> warm bed and leave. At
> the bus stop I waited for 5 minutes, then 10
> minutes, and still no bus. My
> first thoughts were about my principal who would
> scold me if I arrived after
> him.
> Then I remembered how people had told me to pray to
> Mother Mary when in
> trouble. My cousin had told me recently about the
> relevance of praying to
> our Mother, and I remembered all that. In those few
> seconds, I recalled too,
> the time when, at a conference my uncle had suddenly
> disappeared. I
> remembering his words, had begun saying Hail Marys,
> when lo and behold.. he
> was there in front of me, like magic.
> So I started praying, and after just one Hail Mary,
> the right bus arrived
> and actually stopped for me. I even got a seat.
> The bus took me to the private bus stand that I had
> to photograph for our
> lab paper. the deadline was 8 and I had only ten
> minutes more. after taking
> the pictures, I waited for another bus. There were
> only a few minutes left
> and I started praying to my Mother. She immediately
> she send another bus And
> I reached my institute a few minutes after 8. But
> again she was with me, coz
> I found that only 3 others had arrived and there
> was no sight of my
> principal.
> I can't tell you how happy I was. The principals's
> deadline was at 2 , but I
> was able to submit my story just before 10, despite
> the fact that we had a
> power shortage in between that prevented me from
> taking a printout.
> So, my friends, the miniscule experiences that I had
> just prove my point -
> When in trouble, to Mary on the double.
> Tina
> -------Original Message-------
> From: Prejomy Jose
> Date: Wednesday, March 05, 2003 19:39:36
> Subject: [JOYnet] Testimony - The power of Rosary
> Dear friends,
> I would like to narrate a small incident happened to
> me last week.
> Before that; a few weeks ago, I had to attend an
> important meting with our
> client. As usual (for me), I was late for the
> meeting. For that, I got a lot
> of scolding from my Boss. Its previous night, I had
> a nasty dream and the
> very next day it came to be true.
> Last week also, I had a crucial progress meeting
> where I have had to produce
> certain reports. The day just before the meeting, I
> prepared all the reports
> but made some mistakes where I was not able to
> rectify it. I was sure that
> Ill be scolded enough and was not sure how to
> succumb the situation.
> That night too, I had the same dream as before.
> Jesus gave me the clear sign
> that I will be scolded. Hence, immediately I woke up
> (it was around 04.00
> AM) and started reciting a rosary. After it, mother
> Mary told me that shell
> take care of all and I lay again peacefully. At that
> time, she revealed me
> where I made the mistake.
> And, in the morning when I was in my Personal
> prayer, I got a comforting
> telephone call from my mummy which is quite unusual
> on early morning. I felt
> it was an additional surety that mother Mary gave
> me. I praised Jesus for
> helping me in such a wonderful way.
> In the morning, I went to the office, and was able
> to rectify all the
> mistakes before the meeting.
> Here I realized once again that Rosary and Praise
> can overturn anything.
> Praise God.
> With lots of Love & prayers in Jesus
> Prejomy Jose
> Abu Dhabi
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