11TH  MARCH  2003


MARTYAR( c--818--859)


            St.Eulogius  was   the  son  of  a noblem  senatorial  family  of  Cordoba 
 in  southern  Spain..The  city  was  the  seat  of  one of most  brilliant   courts  
of  Europe   under  the  Mohammedan  Caliphs.St.Eulogius  recieved  an  excellant  
education;  then  visited   the  christian  kingdom of  Nvarre in  northern  Spain;  
he  was  ordained   to  the  priesthood  and  became  director  of  the  Cordoba  
seminary.An  avid  reader  and  student,  he  was  renowned  alike  for  his  holy  
life,  his  great  eloquence  and  for  his  profound  humility.

In  850`s  there  began a  period  of  persecution  during  which  numerous  Martyrs  
shed  their  blood  for  faith.St.Eulogius  did  much,  by  spoken  and  written  
word,  to  encourage  the  persecuted  and  imprisoned  chriatians.His  ""Memorial  of 
 the  saints  ""   which  relates  the  trials  of  the  Martyrs ,  had  a  profound  
and  widespread  effect  upon  the  faithful  and  kept  many  from  apostating...

   When  the  Archbishop  of  Toledo  died  in  858,  St  Eulogius  was  chosen  as  
his  succesor,  but  he  was  arrested  and  beheaded  shortly  before  his  
consecration  for  daring  to  defend  a  Saracen  maiden,  St.Leocritia, who  had  
abandoned  Islam  for  catholic  faith.In his  graet  zeal,  the  holy  priest  even  
endeavoured  to  convert  his  Arab  judge  by  pointing  out  to  him  the  errors  
of  Mohammade`s   doctrine.

 St.Eulogius   was  put  to  death  on  March 11  ,  859.


carpenters   and  coppersmiths...


      Ah!   if  u  could  but  concieve  the  reward  which  waits  for  those  who  
perevere  in  the  faith  to  the  end,  you  would   renounce  your  temporal  
dignity  in  exchange  for  it*(  St.Eulogius  of  Cordoba)


              You   put  urself  at  risk,  saint  Eulogius,  to  protect  a  child  
of  the  faith,  and  you  both  met  death  on  behalf  of  the  truth.Teach  me  
dear  saint,  what  things  are  more  important  than  life  and  death.  Inspire  me 
 with your  love  of  truth,  with  ur  spirit  of  sacrifice,  with  ur  love  of  
God  and  God`s  children.  Most  of  all  encourage  me in my  encounters    with  
people  who  r  newly  learning  about  the  love  of  God  ,  that  my  actions    
and  words   may  wellcome  by  all  people  into  the  kingdom of  God  and  may  
model  God`s  unconditional   love  for  all  creation.Through  Jesus  Christ our  
Lord  .Amen

we   adore    Thee  O  Christ  and  we  bless   Thee,Because  of  Thy  Holy  Cross  
Thou  ha s  redeemed  the  world....!!!!!

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