Hi Klaus,

> Hi jQuerians!
> I was wondering if there is a mod for jCarousel out there, that allows
> it to be flexible? I need the width of the list and its items to be
> flexible (depending on the browser width).
> I tried only a bit yet and tinkered with the windows resize event, to
> adjust the width of .jcarousel-clip and the list elements, that works
> fine, but the scroll amount needs to be adjusted as well and I think
> changing that is not as easy...
> Has somebody done that? If not, I'd like to request that feature,
> respectively I will have to do that mod anyway... :-)

i disappeard from the list for a while because i had to sort some
things out. But i worked on a complete new version of jCarousel which
does exactly what you want. Its still in a alpha state but i've setup
an example page:


There are a lot of api and configuration changes so just ask if
something isn't clear.


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