>> In my May 2 2007 11:21 post I mentioned a jQuery port of JSAN making
>> it a plugin to jQuery.  the code in that post is the entire contents
>> of the file jqjsan.js which comes out to 1,116 bytes in an
>> uncompressed state. The compressed jsPax is 1,654 bytes.  But as you
>> pointed out they are really getting at the same end result.
>But you need jQuery loaded before you can use it, correct? That means, you
>need a fiew bits more than just 1116 bytes that are initially loaded. JsPax
>doesn't need anything to be loaded before.

A lot of people prefer to package up all the plug-ins they use on a site and
then pack/minimize it into one file. This method can be really affective for
plug-ins that are used as part of the core site theme.

For this reason only, I see benefit is just have a very simple basic plug-in
registration method for jQuery. One that you can simply check to see if a
plug-in has been registered and is available, or throw an error for the
developer so they know they have included all the necessary plug-ins.

This could be done with just a few bytes of code.


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