
The following site uses progressive enhancement to zebra style
alternative table rows, centre some text in table cells, reveal JS-
only functionality hidden by default in the style sheet, etc etc

Unfortunately it appears that the $(document).ready() method we have
wrapped all our onload code in, fires inconsistently inside IE6.

In IE6 on Windows XP this URL:


will not load zebra striping (on the second table), nor perform
rollovers - all added with $(document).ready() - even after several
reloads whereas this URL:


loads zebra striping (on the second table), centre aligns text in
columns two and three and sets up rollovers **but** only after one

The relevant files are:

CSS defines rollovers and altRow classes:

JS file containing $(document).ready() code:

I have swfobject onloading the top right Flash animation where clients
have Flash 8 or higher. Hence if swfobject can reliably behave onload,
it seems the symptoms are jQuery related.

Can anyone please help?

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