I had a similar problem before... There were "some people" who could
not think in anything else other than regular OO and knocked jQuery.
Sad story. I believe this model is exactly what makes jQuery strong:
it's ability to not be constrained to object trees, but be able to mix
as the selectors require. Much like CSS.

Maybe a more technical analysis would help the cause. I don't know
much in terms of theory, but mentioning the type of architecture in a
more technical page or post might help. Is it mixin? object
composition? What's the paradigm behind CSS?

Clearly jQuery can be reused, otherwise there wouldn't be plugins for
it :P

On May 21, 5:35 pm, David <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Bil Corry wrote:
> > Benjamin Sterling wrote on 5/21/2007 12:58 PM:
> >> "However, it does not support a reusable programming model like an
> >> object
> >> oriented approach, so you should not expect thousands of lines of JQuery
> >> code to be a good asset to your project"
> >> can anyone clarify.  Is this a compliment or a knock against jquery?
> > Knock.  They're claiming that if you write a bunch of code in jQuery
> > for one project, it's not easily reusable for other projects.
> > - Bil
> Ummm.... isn't that what a plugin is? Code that can be reused for
> multiple projects.
> David

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