Recommended reading:

I just did a quick/dirty test locally and was able to manipulate the iframe
from the parent document. Using code like:

<div id="trigger">Show Alert</div>

<iframe id="myFrame" name="myFrame" src="page.html"></iframe>

<script type="text/javascript">
       var myFrameDoc = frames['myFrame'].document;
       alert( $('a',myFrameDoc).css('background','#000').length )

I used the click event just to make sure the iframe's document had loaded
(you obviously can't access it until it's there). I haven't tested the
.load() method on an iframe.


On 7/13/07, Stephan Beal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi, all!

Before i open up a can of worms which i don't want to deal with, i
thought i'd ask:

Are there any special concerns for using jquery in conjunction with
iframes? e.g. if i embed a sub-page within an iframe, can the top-
level page's jq still query/manipulate that sub-page's content

Your insights would be appreciated.

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