
What I was trying to do was edit the last characer based upon a few
conditions so that a show/hide function would work with and without

As well as the errors you spotted, when i was setting the href I was
setting it to #calendar .nav, and not to #calendar #navleft. The
addition of .text() on the end of .href() was just me trying things to
see if they worked. Thankfully now, the script works. The whole thing
now looks like this:

                $("#calendar .arc").toggle();
        $("#calendar .arc").Highlight(1000, '#ff9');

        var $this = $(this);
        if($this.is ('.show'))
                $this.addClass('hide').empty().append('Show archived members');
                var $ref = $("#calendar #navleft").attr("href");
                $("#calendar #navleft").attr("href", $ref.slice(0, -1)+'0');
                var $ref = $("#calendar #navright").attr("href");
                $("#calendar #navright").attr("href", $ref.slice(0, -1)+'0');
                $this.addClass('show').empty().append('Hide archived members');
                var $ref = $("#calendar #navleft").attr("href")
                $("#calendar #navleft").attr("href", $ref.slice(0, -1)+'1');
                var $ref = $("#calendar #navright").attr("href")
                $("#calendar #navright").attr("href", $ref.slice(0, -1)+'1');
        return false;

Many thanks again Mike :)

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